The configuration and documentation are inspired from videlalvaro/RabbitMqBundle.
The AmqpBundle incorporates messaging in your application using the php-amqp extension. It can communicate with any AMQP spec 0-9-1 compatible server, such as RabbitMQ, OpenAMQP and Qpid, giving you the ability to publish to any exchange and consume from any queue.
Publishing messages to AMQP Server from a Symfony controller is as easy as:
$msg = ["key" => "value"];
When you want to consume a message out of a queue :
$msg = $this->get('m6_web_amqp.consumer.myconsumer')->getMessage();
The AmqpBundle does not provide a daemon mode to run AMQP consumers and will not. You can do it with the M6Web/DaemonBundle.
Require the bundle in your composer.json file:
"require": {
"m6web/amqp-bundle": "~1.0",
Register the bundle:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new M6Web\Bundle\AmqpBundle\M6WebAmqpBundle(),
Install the bundle:
$ composer update m6web/amqp-bundle
Add the m6_web_amqp
section in your configuration file.
By default, the Symfony event dispatcher will throw an event on each command (the event contains the AMQP command and the time used to execute it). To disable this feature, as well as other events' dispatching:
event_dispatcher: false
Here a configuration example:
enabled: false #optional - default false
host: 'localhost' # optional - default 'localhost'
port: 5672 # optional - default 5672
timeout: 10 # optional - default 10 - in seconds
login: 'guest' # optional - default 'guest'
password: 'guest' # optional - default 'guest'
vhost: '/' # optional - default '/'
lazy: false # optional - default false
class: "My\\Provider\\Class" # optional - to overload the default provider class
connection: myconnection # require
name: 'my-queue' # optional
passive: bool # optional - defaut false
durable: bool # optional - defaut true
auto_delete: bool # optional - defaut false
name: 'myexchange' # require
type: direct/fanout/headers/topic # require
passive: bool # optional - defaut false
durable: bool # optional - defaut true
auto_delete: bool # optional - defaut false
arguments: { key: value } # optional - default { } - Please refer to the documentation of your broker for information about the arguments.
routing_keys: ['routingkey', 'routingkey2'] # optional - default { }
publish_attributes: { key: value } # optional - default { } - possible keys : content_type, content_encoding, message_id, user_id, app_id, delivery_mode,
# priority, timestamp, expiration, type, reply_to, headers.
class: "My\\Provider\\Class" # optional - to overload the default consumer class
connection: default
name: 'myexchange' # require
name: 'myqueue' # require
passive: bool # optional - defaut false
durable: bool # optional - defaut true
exclusive: bool # optional - defaut false
auto_delete: bool # optional - defaut false
arguments: { key: value } # optional - default { } - Please refer to the documentation of your broker for information about the arguments.
# RabbitMQ ex : {'x-ha-policy': 'all', 'x-dead-letter-routing-key': 'async.dead',
# 'x-dead-letter-exchange': 'async_dead', 'x-message-ttl': 20000}
routing_keys: ['routingkey', 'routingkey2'] # optional - default { }
prefetch_size: integer # optional - default 0
prefetch_count: integer # optional - default 0
Here we configure the connection service and the message endpoints that our application will have.
In this example your service container will contain the service m6_web_amqp.producer.myproducer
and m6_web_amqp.consumer.myconsumer
A producer will be used to send messages to the server.
In the AMQP Model, messages are sent to an exchange, this means that in the configuration for a producer you will have to specify the connection options along with the exchange options.
Let's say that you want to publish a message :
$msg = ["key" => "value"];
For a producer called myproducer, you will have in the service container a service called m6_web_amqp.producer.myproducer.
If you need to add option default publish attributes for each message, publish_attributes options can be something like this :
publish_attributes: { 'content_type' : 'application/json', 'delivery_mode': 'persistent', 'priority': 8, 'expiration': '3200'}
If you don't want to use the configuration to define the routing key (for instance, if it should be computed for each message),
you can define it during the call to publishMessage()
$routingKey = $this->computeRoutingKey($message);
$this->get('m6_web_amqp.producer.myproducer')->publishMessage($message, AMQP_NOPARAM, [], [$routingKey]);
A consumer will be used to get a message from the queue.
Let's say that you want to get a message :
$msg = $this->get('m6_web_amqp.consumer.myconsumer')->getMessage();
The consumer does not wait for a message : getMessage will return null immediately if no message is available or return a AMQPEnvelope object if a message can be consumed. The "flags" argument of getMessage accepts AMQP_AUTOACK (auto acknowledge by default) or AMQP_NOPARAM (manual acknowledge).
To manually acknowledge a message, use the consumer's ackMessage/nackMessage methods with a delivery_tag argument's value from the AMQPEnvelope object. If you choose to not acknowledge the message, the second parameter of nackMessage accepts AMQP_REQUEUE to requeue the message or AMQP_NOPARAM to forget it.
Be careful with qos parameters, you should know that it can hurt your performances. Please read this.
Also be aware that currently there is no global
parameter available within PHP amqp
It's highly recommended to set all connections to lazy: true
in the configuration file. It'll prevent the bundle from connecting to RabbitMQ on each request.
If you want lazy connections, you have to add "ocramius/proxy-manager": "~1.0"
to your composer.json file, and (as said before) add lazy: true
to your connections.
DataCollector is enabled by default if kernel.debug is set. Typically in the dev environment.
composer install
If you have a multi-containers apps, we provide a Dockerfile for a container with rabbitmq-server. This container is for testing only.
Example of docker-compose.yml :
build: .
- .:/var/www
- rabbitmq:rabbitmq.local
build: vendor/m6web/amqp-bundle/
- "15672:15672"
- "5672:5672"
If you use this library in your application tests you will need rabbitmq instance running. If you don't want to test rabbitmq producers and consumers you can enable sandbox mode:
enabled: true
In this mode there will be no connection established to rabbitmq server. Producers silently accept message, consumers silently assume there are no messages available.