This is a project for a task organiser app. It's named after the Java mascot Duke. Given below are instructions on how to use it.
Prerequisites: JDK 11, update Intellij to the most recent version.
When run correctly, you should see something like this below as the output:
Hello from
____ _
| _ \ _ _| | _____
| | | | | | | |/ / _ \
| |_| | |_| | < __/
|____/ \__,_|_|\_\___|
This section includes the functionalities of Duke, as well as the commands' formats.
The todo
command allows you to add in tasks that do not have a deadline or duration.
Format: todo [TASK_NAME]
todo sleep
The deadline
command allows you to add in tasks that have a specific deadline. Separate the [TASK_NAME]
with a /
Format: deadline [TASK_NAME] /[DEADLINE]
deadline sleep /by 10pm
The event
command allows you to add in tasks that occurs within a period of time. Separate the [TASK_NAME]
and [TO]
with /
Format: event [TASK_NAME] /[FROM] /[TO]
event sleep /from 10pm /to 8am
The delete
command allows you to delete any current task specified by [INDEX]
in the list.
Format: delete [INDEX]
delete 1
will remove task sleep from the list.
Note: delete
command could not be undo once called.
The mark
command allows you to mark any task specified by the[INDEX]
as done. Marking the task as done does not delete the task from the list.
Format: mark [INDEX]
mark 1
will mark task sleep as done, indicated by [x]
The unmark
command allows you to unmark any previously marked task. The task to be unmarked is specified by the[INDEX]
Format: unmark [INDEX]
unmark 1
will unmark task sleep, indicated by [ ]
The find
command allows you to find any tasks containing the substring [NAME]
. It will return a list of tasks containing [NAME]
Format: find [NAME]
find sleep
find lee
will return task sleep.
The list
command displays a list of current tasks.
Format: list
will display 1. [T][X] sleep
The bye
command will exit the program.