The database for local development is hosted on Atlas. Feel free to use your own credential for it in .env.development
file inside of server
The clould storage for local development is hosted on Cloudinary. Feel free to use your own credential for it in .env.development
file inside of server
cd into
folder -
Install backend libs
npm run install
Star the backend app
npm run start:dev
There is backend API docs available on local api docs. Feel free to explore it.
cd into
folder -
Install libs
npm run install
- Star the frontend app
npm run start
The backend project is deployed to Heroku via Heroku CLI which is a manual way due to some Github issues of Heroku.
Here is the project address
You can check the backend docs here:
The React app is served as a static resource of Nestjs.
cd into server folder
Build static frontend
npm run build-client
The Heroku app has been created and the production environment variables have been configured.
Use Heroku CLI to deploy to cloud. Heroku CLI
cd into server folder
Run the tests
npm run test
- Need to write more unit tests and make sure the test coverage is above 95%.