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connor4312 edited this page Sep 17, 2014 · 8 revisions

This API uses Semantic Versioning. The current version is 2.1.2. It is not backwards compatible with version 1.x.x of the API.


There are currently three "strategies" available on the GDN. The first, and original strategy, is find. The other two are rawfind and aggregate. These provide lower-level access to data, but are not (and cannot be) validated, so they are not enabled by default and shouldn't be enabled on public instances. To enable them, adjust the config here.

To specify your strategy, provide the strategy as a GET parameter, like `".

Find Strategy

Version 2 of the API does not require any authentication to use. It is limited to a maximum of 1000 requests per hour per IP. If this maximum is exceeded, the API will return error 492 (in accordance with RFC 6585) in its errors (see below).


Version 2 of the GDN has an arbitrary heirarchy of data, allowing for significantly greater flexiblity of data. However, there are the following guarentees:

  • There will always be a top-level heirarchy game
    • In the game minecraft there will always be the following heirarchy parts: type > version > build

These are not the only heirarchy parts which may be present, but these are the parts which always exist. They can be queried in a standard route format.

  • The first part of the route must be v2
  • There may be zero or more parent IDs following v2
  • The resource type to get can be specified in the GET parameter r. If not passed, all possible resources will be returned.


Returns all games, with "game" being the resource and no parents given:

Returns all "types" of the the game "minecraft", using Minecraft as the parent ID.

Returns all versions for "craftbukkit" which is a child of "minecraft".

This is the same as the above request. IDs are globally unique.

This gets *all* resource types which have Craftbukkit as a parent at
any point. This would return a mix of versions and builds.

##Errors The only errors which is intentionally returned is HTTP code 492 and 400 (with a blank response), indicating a malformed request or that the rate limit is exceeded, respectively.

##Bubbling All response objects will return the IDs of all their parents in an array of zero or more strings "parents". For example:

    "id": "c7ac28951765678a63adf56db8ca3967",
    "version": "3.1.2",
    "parents": ["98eb470b2b60482e259d28648895d9e1", "3af54d5862284982f95581e6ffe5c9ee"],
    "created_at": "Sun, 10 Aug 2014 19:34:09 GMT"

If parents is passed as a GET parameter to the request, it will return each parent's data as a property, with the parent type being the key. Passing the parent will restrict the result to at most ten matching records. For example, a response might look like:

    "resource": "version",
    "_id": "ebf5afcdb1d64ad8a2c424268cfe00aa",
    "version": "1.8-pre3",
    "parents": [
            "name": "Minecraft",
            "resource": "game",
            "_id": "98eb470b2b60482e259d28648895d9e1"
            "description": "The latest testing snapshot of Minecraft. It may be unstable!",
            "resource": "type",
            "name": "Snapshot",
            "author": "Mojang",
            "_id": "fa8cb1340e44116a9182bc8edf218011"


Query results may be sorted, by appending a parameter to the URL in the following way format: key.direction.

  • key Must be a property on the model, as are returned in API requests.
  • direction Must be one of: "asc", "desc"

Multiple sortings are possible by using a | as delimiter between key.direction pairs.

For example, a request like GET /v2/98eb470b2b60482e259d28648895d9e1?r=version&sort=version.desc|created_at.desc returns builds, sorting primarily by version and by created_at where versions are the same.

##Where It is possible to filter results using the formation property.operator.value. Like sorting, it may also be delimited by | for multiple clauses. For example:

GET /v2/?r=build&where=build.$gt.2973

Retrieves the "build" with build number above 2973. The parameters:

  • property Must be a property which exists on the resource you are querying.
  • operator may be any Mongo comparison operator or "$eq" to compare equality.
  • value The value to compare against. Arrays may be indicated (if you want to query with $in or $nin) by delimitation with commas.

##Paginated Results In order to prevent flooding, results are paginated automatically to 100 results. Page information is always returned in the response object. Non-paginated results will simply display as having 1 page. Pages can be navigated to by passing the property page in the URL. For example:

GET /v2/?page=10

Note that, due to the Mongo constraints, there is not a way to determine the size of a result set without examining every item in the set. Therefore, the has_next in the pagination is set to true if the number of items is equal to the total the application is set to display per page. Meaning that, in some rare cases, has_next might be true on the "last" page of a collection. Do not depend on the result set having more than zero elements.

General Response Format

  "pagination": {
    "page": 1,              // The current page requested. Will be equal to "1" or the "page" given as a GET param.
    "per_page": 100         // The number of items displayed per page.
    "has_next": true,       // True if there are pages after the current page
    "has_prev": false,      // True if there are pages before the current page
  "results": [ /* ... */ ]  // An array of results objects

Rawfind Strategy

Rawfind expects a POST request to /v2/?strategy=rawfind, and a "find" field given in the JSON request body. The contents of the "find" field will be sent directly to Mongo and returned. See the documentation for more information on aggregation pipeline operators.

Aggregate Strategy

Aggregate expects a POST request to /v2/?strategy=aggregate, and a "aggregate" field given in the JSON request body. The contents of the "aggregate" field will be sent directly to Mongo and returned. See the documentation for more information on query operators.

Private Endpoints

In order to use private endpoints, the PRIVATE_KEY must be defined in the Its key should be passed as a GET parameter or in the request body, when hitting a private endpoint.


Triggers the GDN to begin an update. The same as calling python load.

Successful response:

{"status": "loading", "success": true}

Failed Response: occurs if a load is already in progress.

{"error": "GDN is already busy!", "success": false}


Retrieves the current GDN status. "status" may be one of: "idle", "loading". Response:

{"status": "idle", "success": true}