Visualize point cloud in reflectivity or color by points or voxels;
Visualize contiguous frames' colored point clouds and storing them as video
Visualize point clouds by reflectivity
Visualize colored point clouds in voxels
main package : open3d 0.9.0 opencv-python mayavi
python ; any environment with mayavi
python; any environment with open3d0.9.0
# Visualize point clouds by reflectivity
import draw_pc
# point clouds path
raw_velo_path = 'data/185/原始点云000185.bin'
non_ground_path = 'data/185/non_ground_000185.npy'
# Load point clouds
raw_vel_pc = np.fromfile(raw_velo_path,dtype=np.float32) # # bin type
raw_vel_pc = raw_vel.reshape((-1,4))
non_ground_pc = np.load(non_ground_path) # npy type
# Visualization
#Visualize colored point clouds
import draw_pc_colored.Plot as Plot
########Visualize colored point clouds in one frame######
# Load point clouds
non_ground_color_path = 'data/185/滤出地面的着色点云000185.npy'
non_ground_color_pc = np.load(non_ground_color_path)
# Visualize colored point clouds
# if savefig=True will automatically save the image, 'name' is to save the path
# The para.json file holds the required camera perspective
########Visualize the continuous frame point cloud and save it to video######
# the continuous frame point cloud's path
imgs_path = 'result/kitti_tracking/'
seq = ['0020']
for s in seq:
imgs_path_seq = imgs_path + s +'/out_ps/'
# stored video
# If ps=False, the original image is directly stored into video, and ps=True, the brightness and contrast saturation of the image will be automatically adjusted, and the adjusted point cloud will be stored into video
######################################Visualize Voxel's point cloud################################
# Load
non_ground_color_path = 'data/185/滤出地面的着色点云000185.npy'
non_ground_color_pc = np.load(non_ground_color_path)
# Voxel is visualized and fills with color automatically