Visualize 3d detection results on colored pointclouds
main package : open3d 0.9.0 opencv-python
change AIMED_ID in to change the visual frames;
Place your target detection results in data/ RES.json as follows:
[{" class ":" vehicle ", "width" : 4.925102723965409, "height" : 1.73, "length" : 1.6730355786800375 ,
"x" : 8.556364684791708, "y" : 33.343216162928236, "z" : 1.1788707710374808,
"rotationYaw" : 0.92, "rotationPitch" : 0, "rota TionRoll: 0, "" trackId frameIdx" : 3, "" : 0}],
Currently, the target categories supported are: vehicle, ped, cyclist.
Visual colors of the object categories can be modified or added by
modifying the color_list in
Now vehicle is blue;ped is green;cyclist is red;