This example project of Symfony provides the implementation of Authorization and Authentication of Auth0's user in Symfony 4 api endpoints.
- PHP 7+
- Symfony 4+
- Auth0 Jwt Bundle
- Symfony Security Bundle
To implement Authorization and Authentication, install the following dependencies:
Auth0 Jwt Bundle
composer require auth0/jwt-auth-bundle:"~3.0"
Symfony Security Bundle
composer require symfony/security-bundle
Sensio Framework-Extra Bundle
composer require sensio/framework-extra-bundle
For more information on how to Authorize Auth0 user, follow this article. Here, I will start from decoding the fetched Access Token.
Inject the Access Token to User Provider to decode it or get user profile. User Provider is a class that decode the Access token. To create User Provider class, install Auth0 Jwt Bundle. The User Provider class decodes the token for those users who are assigned with certain roles which is later used in the route while accessing api endpoints.
Configure the User Provider class to decode the token at Symfony's file config/packages/security.yaml under providers key.
Use Provider class under providers key a0_user_provider as service. Configure the provider class id at config/services.yaml
class: App\Security\A0UserProvider
arguments: ["@jwt_auth.auth0_service"]
To check whether th Access Token is issued by authorized issuer or not, configure at config/packages/framework.yaml
domain: '%env(AUTH0_DOMAIN)%'
authorized_issuer: https://%env(AUTH0_DOMAIN)%/
api_identifier: '%env(AUTH0_AUDIENCE)%'
The final step is to access api endpoints.
Before, accessing the api endpoints, configure security.yml file file under the key security’s firewall at config/packages/security.yaml for the url pattern /api.
pattern: ^/api
stateless: true
authenticator: jwt_auth.jwt_authenticator
Finally, authorize the api endpoints for url /api/hello using @Route annotation. Annotations are metadata that can be embedded in source code. The role ROLE_AUTH0_AUTHENTICATED for which the Access Token was decoded earlier is now used as @IsGranted annotation.
* @Route("/api/hello", name="hello")
public function hello()
return $this->json([ 'message' => 'Hello World!' ]);
The user role ROLE_AUTH0_AUTHENTICATED in which Access Token is assigned can access the above api endpoints otherwise the user is forbidden.