No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 2.2.8
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Install the following dependencies:
go get
go get
go get
go get
Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:
import "./openapi"
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountingApi | CreateAccount | Put /Accounts | Allows you to create a new chart of accounts |
AccountingApi | CreateAccountAttachmentByFileName | Put /Accounts/{AccountID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to create Attachment on Account |
AccountingApi | CreateBankTransactionAttachmentByFileName | Put /BankTransactions/{BankTransactionID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to createa an Attachment on BankTransaction by Filename |
AccountingApi | CreateBankTransactionHistoryRecord | Put /BankTransactions/{BankTransactionID}/History | Allows you to create history record for a bank transactions |
AccountingApi | CreateBankTransactions | Put /BankTransactions | Allows you to create one or more spend or receive money transaction |
AccountingApi | CreateBankTransfer | Put /BankTransfers | Allows you to create a bank transfers |
AccountingApi | CreateBankTransferAttachmentByFileName | Put /BankTransfers/{BankTransferID}/Attachments/{FileName} | |
AccountingApi | CreateBatchPayment | Put /BatchPayments | Create one or many BatchPayments for invoices |
AccountingApi | CreateBatchPaymentHistoryRecord | Put /BatchPayments/{BatchPaymentID}/History | Allows you to create a history record for a Batch Payment |
AccountingApi | CreateBrandingThemePaymentServices | Post /BrandingThemes/{BrandingThemeID}/PaymentServices | Allow for the creation of new custom payment service for specified Branding Theme |
AccountingApi | CreateContactAttachmentByFileName | Put /Contacts/{ContactID}/Attachments/{FileName} | |
AccountingApi | CreateContactGroup | Put /ContactGroups | Allows you to create a contact group |
AccountingApi | CreateContactGroupContacts | Put /ContactGroups/{ContactGroupID}/Contacts | Allows you to add Contacts to a Contact Group |
AccountingApi | CreateContacts | Put /Contacts | Allows you to create a multiple contacts (bulk) in a Xero organisation |
AccountingApi | CreateCreditNoteAllocation | Put /CreditNotes/{CreditNoteID}/Allocations | Allows you to create Allocation on CreditNote |
AccountingApi | CreateCreditNoteAttachmentByFileName | Put /CreditNotes/{CreditNoteID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to create Attachments on CreditNote by file name |
AccountingApi | CreateCreditNoteHistory | Put /CreditNotes/{CreditNoteID}/History | Allows you to retrieve a history records of an CreditNote |
AccountingApi | CreateCreditNotes | Put /CreditNotes | Allows you to create a credit note |
AccountingApi | CreateCurrency | Put /Currencies | |
AccountingApi | CreateEmployees | Put /Employees | Allows you to create new employees used in Xero payrun |
AccountingApi | CreateExpenseClaims | Put /ExpenseClaims | Allows you to retrieve expense claims |
AccountingApi | CreateInvoiceAttachmentByFileName | Put /Invoices/{InvoiceID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to create an Attachment on invoices or purchase bills by it's filename |
AccountingApi | CreateInvoiceHistory | Put /Invoices/{InvoiceID}/History | Allows you to retrieve a history records of an invoice |
AccountingApi | CreateInvoices | Put /Invoices | Allows you to create one or more sales invoices or purchase bills |
AccountingApi | CreateItems | Put /Items | Allows you to create one or more items |
AccountingApi | CreateLinkedTransaction | Put /LinkedTransactions | Allows you to create linked transactions (billable expenses) |
AccountingApi | CreateManualJournalAttachmentByFileName | Put /ManualJournals/{ManualJournalID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to create a specified Attachment on ManualJournal by file name |
AccountingApi | CreateManualJournals | Put /ManualJournals | Allows you to create one or more manual journals |
AccountingApi | CreateOverpaymentAllocations | Put /Overpayments/{OverpaymentID}/Allocations | Allows you to create a single allocation for an overpayment |
AccountingApi | CreatePayment | Post /Payments | Allows you to create a single payment for invoices or credit notes |
AccountingApi | CreatePaymentService | Put /PaymentServices | Allows you to create payment services |
AccountingApi | CreatePayments | Put /Payments | Allows you to create multiple payments for invoices or credit notes |
AccountingApi | CreatePrepaymentAllocations | Put /Prepayments/{PrepaymentID}/Allocations | Allows you to create an Allocation for prepayments |
AccountingApi | CreatePurchaseOrderHistory | Put /PurchaseOrders/{PurchaseOrderID}/History | Allows you to create HistoryRecord for purchase orders |
AccountingApi | CreatePurchaseOrders | Put /PurchaseOrders | Allows you to create one or more purchase orders |
AccountingApi | CreateQuoteAttachmentByFileName | Put /Quotes/{QuoteID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to create Attachment on Quote |
AccountingApi | CreateQuoteHistory | Put /Quotes/{QuoteID}/History | Allows you to retrieve a history records of an quote |
AccountingApi | CreateQuotes | Put /Quotes | Allows you to create one or more quotes |
AccountingApi | CreateReceipt | Put /Receipts | Allows you to create draft expense claim receipts for any user |
AccountingApi | CreateReceiptAttachmentByFileName | Put /Receipts/{ReceiptID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to create Attachment on expense claim receipts by file name |
AccountingApi | CreateRepeatingInvoiceAttachmentByFileName | Put /RepeatingInvoices/{RepeatingInvoiceID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to create attachment on repeating invoices by file name |
AccountingApi | CreateTaxRates | Put /TaxRates | Allows you to create one or more Tax Rates |
AccountingApi | CreateTrackingCategory | Put /TrackingCategories | Allows you to create tracking categories |
AccountingApi | CreateTrackingOptions | Put /TrackingCategories/{TrackingCategoryID}/Options | Allows you to create options for a specified tracking category |
AccountingApi | DeleteAccount | Delete /Accounts/{AccountID} | Allows you to delete a chart of accounts |
AccountingApi | DeleteContactGroupContact | Delete /ContactGroups/{ContactGroupID}/Contacts/{ContactID} | Allows you to delete a specific Contact from a Contact Group |
AccountingApi | DeleteContactGroupContacts | Delete /ContactGroups/{ContactGroupID}/Contacts | Allows you to delete all Contacts from a Contact Group |
AccountingApi | DeleteItem | Delete /Items/{ItemID} | Allows you to delete a specified item |
AccountingApi | DeleteLinkedTransaction | Delete /LinkedTransactions/{LinkedTransactionID} | Allows you to delete a specified linked transactions (billable expenses) |
AccountingApi | DeletePayment | Post /Payments/{PaymentID} | Allows you to update a specified payment for invoices and credit notes |
AccountingApi | DeleteTrackingCategory | Delete /TrackingCategories/{TrackingCategoryID} | Allows you to delete tracking categories |
AccountingApi | DeleteTrackingOptions | Delete /TrackingCategories/{TrackingCategoryID}/Options/{TrackingOptionID} | Allows you to delete a specified option for a specified tracking category |
AccountingApi | EmailInvoice | Post /Invoices/{InvoiceID}/Email | Allows you to email a copy of invoice to related Contact |
AccountingApi | GetAccount | Get /Accounts/{AccountID} | Allows you to retrieve a single chart of accounts |
AccountingApi | GetAccountAttachmentByFileName | Get /Accounts/{AccountID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to retrieve Attachment on Account by Filename |
AccountingApi | GetAccountAttachmentById | Get /Accounts/{AccountID}/Attachments/{AttachmentID} | Allows you to retrieve specific Attachment on Account |
AccountingApi | GetAccountAttachments | Get /Accounts/{AccountID}/Attachments | Allows you to retrieve Attachments for accounts |
AccountingApi | GetAccounts | Get /Accounts | Allows you to retrieve the full chart of accounts |
AccountingApi | GetBankTransaction | Get /BankTransactions/{BankTransactionID} | Allows you to retrieve a single spend or receive money transaction |
AccountingApi | GetBankTransactionAttachmentByFileName | Get /BankTransactions/{BankTransactionID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to retrieve Attachments on BankTransaction by Filename |
AccountingApi | GetBankTransactionAttachmentById | Get /BankTransactions/{BankTransactionID}/Attachments/{AttachmentID} | Allows you to retrieve Attachments on a specific BankTransaction |
AccountingApi | GetBankTransactionAttachments | Get /BankTransactions/{BankTransactionID}/Attachments | Allows you to retrieve any attachments to bank transactions |
AccountingApi | GetBankTransactions | Get /BankTransactions | Allows you to retrieve any spend or receive money transactions |
AccountingApi | GetBankTransactionsHistory | Get /BankTransactions/{BankTransactionID}/History | Allows you to retrieve history from a bank transactions |
AccountingApi | GetBankTransfer | Get /BankTransfers/{BankTransferID} | Allows you to retrieve any bank transfers |
AccountingApi | GetBankTransferAttachmentByFileName | Get /BankTransfers/{BankTransferID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to retrieve Attachments on BankTransfer by file name |
AccountingApi | GetBankTransferAttachmentById | Get /BankTransfers/{BankTransferID}/Attachments/{AttachmentID} | Allows you to retrieve Attachments on BankTransfer |
AccountingApi | GetBankTransferAttachments | Get /BankTransfers/{BankTransferID}/Attachments | Allows you to retrieve Attachments from bank transfers |
AccountingApi | GetBankTransferHistory | Get /BankTransfers/{BankTransferID}/History | Allows you to retrieve history from a bank transfers |
AccountingApi | GetBankTransfers | Get /BankTransfers | Allows you to retrieve all bank transfers |
AccountingApi | GetBatchPaymentHistory | Get /BatchPayments/{BatchPaymentID}/History | Allows you to retrieve history from a Batch Payment |
AccountingApi | GetBatchPayments | Get /BatchPayments | Retrieve either one or many BatchPayments for invoices |
AccountingApi | GetBrandingTheme | Get /BrandingThemes/{BrandingThemeID} | Allows you to retrieve a specific BrandingThemes |
AccountingApi | GetBrandingThemePaymentServices | Get /BrandingThemes/{BrandingThemeID}/PaymentServices | Allows you to retrieve the Payment services for a Branding Theme |
AccountingApi | GetBrandingThemes | Get /BrandingThemes | Allows you to retrieve all the BrandingThemes |
AccountingApi | GetContact | Get /Contacts/{ContactID} | Allows you to retrieve a single contacts in a Xero organisation |
AccountingApi | GetContactAttachmentByFileName | Get /Contacts/{ContactID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to retrieve Attachments on Contacts by file name |
AccountingApi | GetContactAttachmentById | Get /Contacts/{ContactID}/Attachments/{AttachmentID} | Allows you to retrieve Attachments on Contacts |
AccountingApi | GetContactAttachments | Get /Contacts/{ContactID}/Attachments | Allows you to retrieve, add and update contacts in a Xero organisation |
AccountingApi | GetContactByContactNumber | Get /Contacts/{ContactNumber} | Allows you to retrieve a single contact by Contact Number in a Xero organisation |
AccountingApi | GetContactCISSettings | Get /Contacts/{ContactID}/CISSettings | Allows you to retrieve CISSettings for a contact in a Xero organisation |
AccountingApi | GetContactGroup | Get /ContactGroups/{ContactGroupID} | Allows you to retrieve a unique Contact Group by ID |
AccountingApi | GetContactGroups | Get /ContactGroups | Allows you to retrieve the ContactID and Name of all the contacts in a contact group |
AccountingApi | GetContactHistory | Get /Contacts/{ContactID}/History | Allows you to retrieve a history records of an Contact |
AccountingApi | GetContacts | Get /Contacts | Allows you to retrieve all contacts in a Xero organisation |
AccountingApi | GetCreditNote | Get /CreditNotes/{CreditNoteID} | Allows you to retrieve a specific credit note |
AccountingApi | GetCreditNoteAsPdf | Get /CreditNotes/{CreditNoteID}/pdf | Allows you to retrieve Credit Note as PDF files |
AccountingApi | GetCreditNoteAttachmentByFileName | Get /CreditNotes/{CreditNoteID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to retrieve Attachments on CreditNote by file name |
AccountingApi | GetCreditNoteAttachmentById | Get /CreditNotes/{CreditNoteID}/Attachments/{AttachmentID} | Allows you to retrieve Attachments on CreditNote |
AccountingApi | GetCreditNoteAttachments | Get /CreditNotes/{CreditNoteID}/Attachments | Allows you to retrieve Attachments for credit notes |
AccountingApi | GetCreditNoteHistory | Get /CreditNotes/{CreditNoteID}/History | Allows you to retrieve a history records of an CreditNote |
AccountingApi | GetCreditNotes | Get /CreditNotes | Allows you to retrieve any credit notes |
AccountingApi | GetCurrencies | Get /Currencies | Allows you to retrieve currencies for your organisation |
AccountingApi | GetEmployee | Get /Employees/{EmployeeID} | Allows you to retrieve a specific employee used in Xero payrun |
AccountingApi | GetEmployees | Get /Employees | Allows you to retrieve employees used in Xero payrun |
AccountingApi | GetExpenseClaim | Get /ExpenseClaims/{ExpenseClaimID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified expense claim |
AccountingApi | GetExpenseClaimHistory | Get /ExpenseClaims/{ExpenseClaimID}/History | Allows you to retrieve a history records of an ExpenseClaim |
AccountingApi | GetExpenseClaims | Get /ExpenseClaims | Allows you to retrieve expense claims |
AccountingApi | GetInvoice | Get /Invoices/{InvoiceID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified sales invoice or purchase bill |
AccountingApi | GetInvoiceAsPdf | Get /Invoices/{InvoiceID}/pdf | Allows you to retrieve invoices or purchase bills as PDF files |
AccountingApi | GetInvoiceAttachmentByFileName | Get /Invoices/{InvoiceID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to retrieve Attachment on invoices or purchase bills by it's filename |
AccountingApi | GetInvoiceAttachmentById | Get /Invoices/{InvoiceID}/Attachments/{AttachmentID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified Attachment on invoices or purchase bills by it's ID |
AccountingApi | GetInvoiceAttachments | Get /Invoices/{InvoiceID}/Attachments | Allows you to retrieve Attachments on invoices or purchase bills |
AccountingApi | GetInvoiceHistory | Get /Invoices/{InvoiceID}/History | Allows you to retrieve a history records of an invoice |
AccountingApi | GetInvoiceReminders | Get /InvoiceReminders/Settings | Allows you to retrieve invoice reminder settings |
AccountingApi | GetInvoices | Get /Invoices | Allows you to retrieve any sales invoices or purchase bills |
AccountingApi | GetItem | Get /Items/{ItemID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified item |
AccountingApi | GetItemHistory | Get /Items/{ItemID}/History | Allows you to retrieve history for items |
AccountingApi | GetItems | Get /Items | Allows you to retrieve any items |
AccountingApi | GetJournal | Get /Journals/{JournalID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified journals. |
AccountingApi | GetJournals | Get /Journals | Allows you to retrieve any journals. |
AccountingApi | GetLinkedTransaction | Get /LinkedTransactions/{LinkedTransactionID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified linked transactions (billable expenses) |
AccountingApi | GetLinkedTransactions | Get /LinkedTransactions | Retrieve linked transactions (billable expenses) |
AccountingApi | GetManualJournal | Get /ManualJournals/{ManualJournalID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified manual journals |
AccountingApi | GetManualJournalAttachmentByFileName | Get /ManualJournals/{ManualJournalID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to retrieve specified Attachment on ManualJournal by file name |
AccountingApi | GetManualJournalAttachmentById | Get /ManualJournals/{ManualJournalID}/Attachments/{AttachmentID} | Allows you to retrieve specified Attachment on ManualJournals |
AccountingApi | GetManualJournalAttachments | Get /ManualJournals/{ManualJournalID}/Attachments | Allows you to retrieve Attachment for manual journals |
AccountingApi | GetManualJournals | Get /ManualJournals | Allows you to retrieve any manual journals |
AccountingApi | GetOnlineInvoice | Get /Invoices/{InvoiceID}/OnlineInvoice | Allows you to retrieve a URL to an online invoice |
AccountingApi | GetOrganisationCISSettings | Get /Organisation/{OrganisationID}/CISSettings | Allows you To verify if an organisation is using contruction industry scheme, you can retrieve the CIS settings for the organistaion. |
AccountingApi | GetOrganisations | Get /Organisation | Allows you to retrieve Organisation details |
AccountingApi | GetOverpayment | Get /Overpayments/{OverpaymentID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified overpayments |
AccountingApi | GetOverpaymentHistory | Get /Overpayments/{OverpaymentID}/History | Allows you to retrieve a history records of an Overpayment |
AccountingApi | GetOverpayments | Get /Overpayments | Allows you to retrieve overpayments |
AccountingApi | GetPayment | Get /Payments/{PaymentID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified payment for invoices and credit notes |
AccountingApi | GetPaymentHistory | Get /Payments/{PaymentID}/History | Allows you to retrieve history records of a payment |
AccountingApi | GetPaymentServices | Get /PaymentServices | Allows you to retrieve payment services |
AccountingApi | GetPayments | Get /Payments | Allows you to retrieve payments for invoices and credit notes |
AccountingApi | GetPrepayment | Get /Prepayments/{PrepaymentID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified prepayments |
AccountingApi | GetPrepaymentHistory | Get /Prepayments/{PrepaymentID}/History | Allows you to retrieve a history records of an Prepayment |
AccountingApi | GetPrepayments | Get /Prepayments | Allows you to retrieve prepayments |
AccountingApi | GetPurchaseOrder | Get /PurchaseOrders/{PurchaseOrderID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified purchase orders |
AccountingApi | GetPurchaseOrderAsPdf | Get /PurchaseOrders/{PurchaseOrderID}/pdf | Allows you to retrieve purchase orders as PDF files |
AccountingApi | GetPurchaseOrderByNumber | Get /PurchaseOrders/{PurchaseOrderNumber} | Allows you to retrieve a specified purchase orders |
AccountingApi | GetPurchaseOrderHistory | Get /PurchaseOrders/{PurchaseOrderID}/History | Allows you to retrieve history for PurchaseOrder |
AccountingApi | GetPurchaseOrders | Get /PurchaseOrders | Allows you to retrieve purchase orders |
AccountingApi | GetQuote | Get /Quotes/{QuoteID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified quote |
AccountingApi | GetQuoteAsPdf | Get /Quotes/{QuoteID}/pdf | Allows you to retrieve quotes as PDF files |
AccountingApi | GetQuoteAttachmentByFileName | Get /Quotes/{QuoteID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to retrieve Attachment on Quote by Filename |
AccountingApi | GetQuoteAttachmentById | Get /Quotes/{QuoteID}/Attachments/{AttachmentID} | Allows you to retrieve specific Attachment on Quote |
AccountingApi | GetQuoteAttachments | Get /Quotes/{QuoteID}/Attachments | Allows you to retrieve Attachments for Quotes |
AccountingApi | GetQuoteHistory | Get /Quotes/{QuoteID}/History | Allows you to retrieve a history records of an quote |
AccountingApi | GetQuotes | Get /Quotes | Allows you to retrieve any sales quotes |
AccountingApi | GetReceipt | Get /Receipts/{ReceiptID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified draft expense claim receipts |
AccountingApi | GetReceiptAttachmentByFileName | Get /Receipts/{ReceiptID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to retrieve Attachments on expense claim receipts by file name |
AccountingApi | GetReceiptAttachmentById | Get /Receipts/{ReceiptID}/Attachments/{AttachmentID} | Allows you to retrieve Attachments on expense claim receipts by ID |
AccountingApi | GetReceiptAttachments | Get /Receipts/{ReceiptID}/Attachments | Allows you to retrieve Attachments for expense claim receipts |
AccountingApi | GetReceiptHistory | Get /Receipts/{ReceiptID}/History | Allows you to retrieve a history records of an Receipt |
AccountingApi | GetReceipts | Get /Receipts | Allows you to retrieve draft expense claim receipts for any user |
AccountingApi | GetRepeatingInvoice | Get /RepeatingInvoices/{RepeatingInvoiceID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified repeating invoice |
AccountingApi | GetRepeatingInvoiceAttachmentByFileName | Get /RepeatingInvoices/{RepeatingInvoiceID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to retrieve specified attachment on repeating invoices by file name |
AccountingApi | GetRepeatingInvoiceAttachmentById | Get /RepeatingInvoices/{RepeatingInvoiceID}/Attachments/{AttachmentID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified Attachments on repeating invoices |
AccountingApi | GetRepeatingInvoiceAttachments | Get /RepeatingInvoices/{RepeatingInvoiceID}/Attachments | Allows you to retrieve Attachments on repeating invoice |
AccountingApi | GetRepeatingInvoiceHistory | Get /RepeatingInvoices/{RepeatingInvoiceID}/History | Allows you to retrieve history for a repeating invoice |
AccountingApi | GetRepeatingInvoices | Get /RepeatingInvoices | Allows you to retrieve any repeating invoices |
AccountingApi | GetReportAgedPayablesByContact | Get /Reports/AgedPayablesByContact | Allows you to retrieve report for AgedPayablesByContact |
AccountingApi | GetReportAgedReceivablesByContact | Get /Reports/AgedReceivablesByContact | Allows you to retrieve report for AgedReceivablesByContact |
AccountingApi | GetReportBASorGST | Get /Reports/{ReportID} | Allows you to retrieve report for BAS only valid for AU orgs |
AccountingApi | GetReportBASorGSTList | Get /Reports | Allows you to retrieve report for BAS only valid for AU orgs |
AccountingApi | GetReportBalanceSheet | Get /Reports/BalanceSheet | Allows you to retrieve report for BalanceSheet |
AccountingApi | GetReportBankSummary | Get /Reports/BankSummary | Allows you to retrieve report for BankSummary |
AccountingApi | GetReportBudgetSummary | Get /Reports/BudgetSummary | Allows you to retrieve report for Budget Summary |
AccountingApi | GetReportExecutiveSummary | Get /Reports/ExecutiveSummary | Allows you to retrieve report for ExecutiveSummary |
AccountingApi | GetReportProfitAndLoss | Get /Reports/ProfitAndLoss | Allows you to retrieve report for ProfitAndLoss |
AccountingApi | GetReportTenNinetyNine | Get /Reports/TenNinetyNine | Allows you to retrieve report for TenNinetyNine |
AccountingApi | GetReportTrialBalance | Get /Reports/TrialBalance | Allows you to retrieve report for TrialBalance |
AccountingApi | GetTaxRates | Get /TaxRates | Allows you to retrieve Tax Rates |
AccountingApi | GetTrackingCategories | Get /TrackingCategories | Allows you to retrieve tracking categories and options |
AccountingApi | GetTrackingCategory | Get /TrackingCategories/{TrackingCategoryID} | Allows you to retrieve tracking categories and options for specified category |
AccountingApi | GetUser | Get /Users/{UserID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified user |
AccountingApi | GetUsers | Get /Users | Allows you to retrieve users |
AccountingApi | UpdateAccount | Post /Accounts/{AccountID} | Allows you to update a chart of accounts |
AccountingApi | UpdateAccountAttachmentByFileName | Post /Accounts/{AccountID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to update Attachment on Account by Filename |
AccountingApi | UpdateBankTransaction | Post /BankTransactions/{BankTransactionID} | Allows you to update a single spend or receive money transaction |
AccountingApi | UpdateBankTransactionAttachmentByFileName | Post /BankTransactions/{BankTransactionID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to update an Attachment on BankTransaction by Filename |
AccountingApi | UpdateBankTransferAttachmentByFileName | Post /BankTransfers/{BankTransferID}/Attachments/{FileName} | |
AccountingApi | UpdateContact | Post /Contacts/{ContactID} | |
AccountingApi | UpdateContactAttachmentByFileName | Post /Contacts/{ContactID}/Attachments/{FileName} | |
AccountingApi | UpdateContactGroup | Post /ContactGroups/{ContactGroupID} | Allows you to update a Contact Group |
AccountingApi | UpdateCreditNote | Post /CreditNotes/{CreditNoteID} | Allows you to update a specific credit note |
AccountingApi | UpdateCreditNoteAttachmentByFileName | Post /CreditNotes/{CreditNoteID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to update Attachments on CreditNote by file name |
AccountingApi | UpdateExpenseClaim | Post /ExpenseClaims/{ExpenseClaimID} | Allows you to update specified expense claims |
AccountingApi | UpdateInvoice | Post /Invoices/{InvoiceID} | Allows you to update a specified sales invoices or purchase bills |
AccountingApi | UpdateInvoiceAttachmentByFileName | Post /Invoices/{InvoiceID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to update Attachment on invoices or purchase bills by it's filename |
AccountingApi | UpdateItem | Post /Items/{ItemID} | Allows you to update a specified item |
AccountingApi | UpdateLinkedTransaction | Post /LinkedTransactions/{LinkedTransactionID} | Allows you to update a specified linked transactions (billable expenses) |
AccountingApi | UpdateManualJournal | Post /ManualJournals/{ManualJournalID} | Allows you to update a specified manual journal |
AccountingApi | UpdateManualJournalAttachmentByFileName | Post /ManualJournals/{ManualJournalID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to update a specified Attachment on ManualJournal by file name |
AccountingApi | UpdateOrCreateBankTransactions | Post /BankTransactions | Allows you to update or create one or more spend or receive money transaction |
AccountingApi | UpdateOrCreateContacts | Post /Contacts | Allows you to update OR create one or more contacts in a Xero organisation |
AccountingApi | UpdateOrCreateCreditNotes | Post /CreditNotes | Allows you to update OR create one or more credit notes |
AccountingApi | UpdateOrCreateEmployees | Post /Employees | Allows you to create a single new employees used in Xero payrun |
AccountingApi | UpdateOrCreateInvoices | Post /Invoices | Allows you to update OR create one or more sales invoices or purchase bills |
AccountingApi | UpdateOrCreateItems | Post /Items | Allows you to update or create one or more items |
AccountingApi | UpdateOrCreateManualJournals | Post /ManualJournals | Allows you to create a single manual journal |
AccountingApi | UpdateOrCreatePurchaseOrders | Post /PurchaseOrders | Allows you to update or create one or more purchase orders |
AccountingApi | UpdateOrCreateQuotes | Post /Quotes | Allows you to update OR create one or more quotes |
AccountingApi | UpdatePurchaseOrder | Post /PurchaseOrders/{PurchaseOrderID} | Allows you to update a specified purchase order |
AccountingApi | UpdateQuote | Post /Quotes/{QuoteID} | Allows you to update a specified quote |
AccountingApi | UpdateQuoteAttachmentByFileName | Post /Quotes/{QuoteID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to update Attachment on Quote by Filename |
AccountingApi | UpdateReceipt | Post /Receipts/{ReceiptID} | Allows you to retrieve a specified draft expense claim receipts |
AccountingApi | UpdateReceiptAttachmentByFileName | Post /Receipts/{ReceiptID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to update Attachment on expense claim receipts by file name |
AccountingApi | UpdateRepeatingInvoiceAttachmentByFileName | Post /RepeatingInvoices/{RepeatingInvoiceID}/Attachments/{FileName} | Allows you to update specified attachment on repeating invoices by file name |
AccountingApi | UpdateTaxRate | Post /TaxRates | Allows you to update Tax Rates |
AccountingApi | UpdateTrackingCategory | Post /TrackingCategories/{TrackingCategoryID} | Allows you to update tracking categories |
AccountingApi | UpdateTrackingOptions | Post /TrackingCategories/{TrackingCategoryID}/Options/{TrackingOptionID} | Allows you to update options for a specified tracking category |
- Account
- AccountType
- Accounts
- AccountsPayable
- AccountsReceivable
- Address
- Allocation
- Allocations
- Attachment
- Attachments
- Balances
- BankTransaction
- BankTransactions
- BankTransfer
- BankTransfers
- BatchPayment
- BatchPaymentDetails
- BatchPayments
- Bill
- BrandingTheme
- BrandingThemes
- CisOrgSetting
- CisSetting
- CisSettings
- Contact
- ContactGroup
- ContactGroups
- ContactPerson
- Contacts
- CountryCode
- CreditNote
- CreditNotes
- Currencies
- Currency
- CurrencyCode
- Element
- Employee
- Employees
- Error
- ExpenseClaim
- ExpenseClaims
- ExternalLink
- HistoryRecord
- HistoryRecords
- Invoice
- InvoiceReminder
- InvoiceReminders
- Invoices
- Item
- Items
- Journal
- JournalLine
- Journals
- LineAmountTypes
- LineItem
- LineItemTracking
- LinkedTransaction
- LinkedTransactions
- ManualJournal
- ManualJournalLine
- ManualJournals
- OnlineInvoice
- OnlineInvoices
- Organisation
- Organisations
- Overpayment
- Overpayments
- Payment
- PaymentDelete
- PaymentService
- PaymentServices
- PaymentTerm
- PaymentTermType
- Payments
- Phone
- Prepayment
- Prepayments
- Purchase
- PurchaseOrder
- PurchaseOrders
- Quote
- QuoteLineAmountTypes
- QuoteStatusCodes
- Quotes
- Receipt
- Receipts
- RepeatingInvoice
- RepeatingInvoices
- Report
- ReportAttribute
- ReportCell
- ReportFields
- ReportRow
- ReportRows
- ReportWithRow
- ReportWithRows
- Reports
- RequestEmpty
- RowType
- SalesTrackingCategory
- Schedule
- TaxComponent
- TaxRate
- TaxRates
- TaxType
- TenNinteyNineContact
- TimeZone
- TrackingCategories
- TrackingCategory
- TrackingOption
- TrackingOptions
- User
- Users
- ValidationError
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- email: Grant read-only access to your email
- openid: Grant read-only access to your open id
- profile: your profile information
- accounting.transactions: Grant read-write access to bank transactions, credit notes, invoices, repeating invoices
- Grant read-only access to invoices
- Grant read-only access to accounting reports
- Grant read-only access to journals
- accounting.settings: Grant read-write access to organisation and account settings
- Grant read-only access to organisation and account settings
- accounting.contacts: Grant read-write access to contacts and contact groups
- Grant read-only access to contacts and contact groups
- accounting.attachments: Grant read-write access to attachments
- Grant read-only access to attachments
- assets: Grant read-write access to assets
- Grant read-only access to fixed assets
- bankfeeds: Grant read-write access to bankfeeds
- files: Grant read-write access to files and folders
- Grant read-only access to files and folders
- payroll: Grant read-write access to payroll
- Grant read-only access to payroll
- payroll.employees: Grant read-write access to payroll employees
- Grant read-only access to payroll employees
- payroll.leaveapplications: Grant read-write access to payroll leaveapplications
- Grant read-only access to payroll leaveapplications
- payroll.payitems: Grant read-write access to payroll payitems
- Grant read-only access to payroll payitems
- payroll.payrollcalendars: Grant read-write access to payroll calendars
- Grant read-only access to payroll calendars
- payroll.payruns: Grant read-write access to payroll payruns
- Grant read-only access to payroll payruns
- payroll.payslip: Grant read-write access to payroll payslips
- Grant read-only access to payroll payslips
- Grant read-only access to payroll settings
- payroll.superfunds: Grant read-write access to payroll superfunds
- Grant read-only access to payroll superfunds
- Grant read-only access to payroll superfundproducts
- payroll.timesheets: Grant read-write access to payroll timesheets
- Grant read-only access to payroll timesheets
- paymentservices: Grant read-write access to payment services
- projects: Grant read-write access to projects
- Grant read-only access to projects
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAccessToken, "ACCESSTOKENSTRING")
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
Or via OAuth2 module to automatically refresh tokens and perform user authentication.
import ""
/* Perform OAuth2 round trip request and obtain a token */
tokenSource := oauth2cfg.TokenSource(createContext(httpClient), &token)
auth := context.WithValue(oauth2.NoContext, sw.ContextOAuth2, tokenSource)
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)