Welcome to my String Synthesizer project! This is a digital synthesizer built using p5.js and Tone.js, allowing users to explore sound through interactive pedals and keyboard notes. Whether you're into music, coding, or just curious, this project has something for you!
- 🎹 Interactive Piano: Play notes directly on your screen with a visual piano.
- 🎛️ Modulation Pedal: Adjust pitch and amplitude with a rotating knob.
- 🎚️ Pitch Shift Pedal: Transpose notes up or down within a ±1 Hz range.
- 🔒 Sostenuto Pedal: Sustain selected notes for a richer sound.
- White and black keys at the bottom of the screen represent different notes from C4 to C5.
- Click to play, and the waveform will visualize the sound.
- Real-time audio waveform visualization that updates as you play.
- The waveform is a direct representation of the sound produced by the synth.
- Sostenuto Pedal: Toggle to sustain or release notes.
- Modulation Pedal: Adjust modulation depth with a knob.
- Pitch Shift Pedal: Slide to shift the pitch of notes.
The synthesizer uses Tone.js to create a rich sound experience. Each note is represented by an oscillator with parameters fine-tuned for a string-like sound.
let synths = {};
Object.keys(noteFrequencies).forEach(note => {
synths[note] = new Tone.PolySynth(Tone.FMSynth, {
harmonicity: 3,
oscillator: {
type: "sine"
envelope: {
attack: 0.1,
decay: 0.2,
sustain: 0.8,
release: 1.5
modulation: {
type: "square"
modulationEnvelope: {
attack: 0.5,
decay: 0,
sustain: 1,
release: 0.5
}).chain(synthParams.chorus, synthParams.reverb, synthParams.tremolo).toDestination();
- Functionality: Holds the currently playing notes, allowing selective sustain.
- Implementation: A toggle button that cycles through three states—off, holding, and not sustaining new notes.
if (dist(sPedalToggleCoords[0], sPedalToggleCoords[1], mouseX, mouseY) < 25){
sostenutoPedal = (sostenutoPedal + 1) % 3;
- Functionality: Modulates the pitch or amplitude of notes.
- Implementation: A knob that adjusts the modulation depth by rotating around its axis.
anglePointer = constrain(anglePointer, -PI/4, PI/4);
synthParams.modDepth = map(anglePointer, -PI/4, PI/4, -100, 100);
- Functionality: Shifts the pitch of the played notes within a ±1 Hz range.
- Implementation: A slider that maps to a frequency range, altering the pitch dynamically.
pitchShift = map(psPedalSlider, sliderX1, sliderX2, -1, 1);
let freq = map(pitchShift, -1, 0, minFrequency, playedFreq);
graph LR
A[User] -->|Interacts| B[Keyboard / Mouse]
B --> C[Process Interaction]
C --> D[Update Sound Parameters]
D --> E[Render Sound & Visuals]
E -->|Feedback| A
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/William-Laverty/String-Synthesiser.git
in your web browser. -
Start exploring the sonic realm! 🎧
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Feel free to open an issue if you find a bug or have a feature request! Contributions are welcome.