This release was deployed at 12:28 PM EDT on June 12, 2018.
New Features:
- Add subbasin attenuated water quality results for HUC 8s and 10s by integrated SRAT API #2781 #2772 #2780 #2794 #2722 #2770 #2788 #2792 #2752 #2744 #2740 #2786 #2817 #2777 #2804 #2828 #2835 #2805
- Implement hotspot view to visualize average annual loads by catchment or stream segment within subbasins #2798 #2822 #2858 #2868 #2829
- Add HUC ID to Area of Interest title in sidebar #2842
- Add latitude/longitude search support to geocoder search #2845
- Add EnviroDIY-specific Source Data link to Monitor #2785
- Add Contribute Data modal to Monitor #2843 #2872 #2853
- Add USGS Water Quality Portal catalog Monitor search (on BiG CZ portal https://portal.bigcz.org/) #2813
- Upgrades to geoprocessing pipeline to increase performance (MultiOperation) #2737
- Set a hard 300sec timeout on geoprocessing requests #2751
- Check DRB eligibility against simpler perimeter, to address point source marker mismatches #2839
- Cache CUAHSI search results on Monitor tab select
- Reorder Monitor catalog tabs #2778
- Increase BiG CZ and CUAHSI AoI size limit to 5,000 sq km
- Allow MapShed to run for AoIs without streams #2790 #2844
- Update MapShed weather station EtAdj values #2773