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Sebastian Krajewski edited this page May 24, 2022 · 6 revisions


Option Type Range Description
CurrentSkin String N/A Sets the skin used. (Needs a name of the folder with the skin from the folder with the skins)
FallbackSkin String N/A Loads this skin if CurrentSkin fails to load, otherwise it loads assets from it if CurrentSkin misses them
UseColorsFromSkin Boolean true/false Determines if colors from skin.ini should be used. Overrides all settings except InnerAlpha and OuterAlpha
UseBeatmapColors Boolean true/false Determines if colors from Beatmap file should be used. Overrides UseColorsFromSkin


Option Type Range Description
UseSkinCursor Boolean true/false Determines if the cursor from the skin should be used. Disabling this enables danser cursor
Scale Decimal >0 Scale multiplier for the cursor
TrailScale Decimal >0 Scale multiplier for the cursor trail
ForceLongTrail Boolean true/false Forces long trail for any skin cursor (simulates cursormiddle.png presence)
LongTrailLength Integer N/A Determines the length for the long trail
LongTrailDensity Decimal N/A Determines the density for the long trail

Default values:

"Skin": {
	"CurrentSkin": "default",
	"FallbackSkin": "default",
	"UseColorsFromSkin": false,
	"UseBeatmapColors": false,
	"Cursor": {
		"UseSkinCursor": false,
		"Scale": 1,
		"TrailScale": 1,
		"ForceLongTrail": false,
		"LongTrailLength": 2048,
		"LongTrailDensity": 1
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