If you intend to use CoReality in one of your projects, please cite the original work:
J. McDade et al., "CADET: A Collaborative Agile Data Exploration Tool for Mixed Reality," 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), Singapore, Singapore, 2022, pp. 899-900, doi: 10.1109/ISMAR-Adjunct57072.2022.00195.
Unity version 2019.4 LTS^
This project was built on the 2019.4 LTS
, if you want to ensure 100% compatability, use this one.
MRTK version 2.7.2^
Download and import all the packages from the latest realease of MRTK
Vuforia 10.1.4^
Download and import the latest version of vuforia for unity
Photon PUN 2
Download and add the PUN 2 - Free asset from the asset store
Simple scene that demonstrates spawning and manipulation of a networked object across a photon network.
Demonstrates the Avatar system which allows users to see each other in virtual space. Users will be able to see other player's heads and hands including their current hand pose. The scene also demonstrates use of stencil shaders on the user's hands so they only appear 'infront' of other objects.
Demonstrates a multi-scene project that lets desktop and hololens builds communicate with eachother.
Put all three scenes in the build output, the first scene Startup
will automatically detect the target platform and load the Hololens or Desktop scene accordingly. Desktop users can use the middle mouse button to rotate the scene.
Demonstrates the ability to scale player size in realtime to make the scene appear bigger or smaller.
Demonstrates the spectator camera running on a desktop with a 3rd person perspective of the AR (Hololens 2) content.
Module for connecting / disconnecting from the photon server.
Module for creating user avatars and syncronizing them between all users.
Module for adding sound clips to the player connect/disconnect and join/leave events.