An End-to-End Auto-ML Web Application for Classification and Regression problem.
Supported for csv and excel files. Build with below two libraries:
- streamlit:
- pycaret:
Drap and drop file from local system for training.
Simple Data Exploration.
Many Preprocessing methods:
- Sample and Split
- Data Preprocessing (Missing Values Imputation, One Hot Encoding, Handle Unknown Levels, Fix Imbalance for Classification)
- Scale and Transform (Normalization, Transformation, Target Transformation)
- Feature Engineering (Feature Interaction, Polynomial Features, Trigonometry Features, Group Features, Bin Numeric Features, Combine Rare Levels)
- Feature Selection (Feature Importance, Remove Multicollinearity, Principal Components Analysis, Ignore Variances)
- Unsupervised (Create Clusters, Remove Outliers)
Model Training:
- Compare all available Machine Learning Algorithm automatically.
- Train a selected single model
- Train an ensemble model
- Hyperparameter tuning for single model
Model Result Visualization:
- All plots for Regression and Classification
- SHAP Value
- Clone the repository to you computer:
git clone
cd gem
- Creata a conda virtual or python virtual environment and then activate it.
conda create -n myvirtual-name python=3.8 -y
conda activate myvirtual-name
- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run streamlit locally and start web service:
streamlit run
- Pull the Docker image:
docker pull wangchen9/gem:latest
- Run the Docker image locally:
docker run -p 80:80 wangchen9/gem
- Open the localhost:80
- Download and install the Heroku CLI
heroku login
- we will add a new remote to our git repo (only need run once)
heroku git:remote -a g-e-m
- Push code to the repository and deploy it to Heroku using Git. (only step needed for future deployment)
git push heroku main
- Download and install the Azure CLI
az login
- Push to azure acr which triggers the prod deployment
az acr build --registry GemApp --resource-group gem --image gem .
OR Use github action -> see