The big difference between SP and JNO XML modding is that you can add new modifiers to things as you like. For instance, a landing leg might not have an InputBasedActivator
on it by default, but you can just add one.
If you find, or think you have found, any inaccuracies or omissions, do not be afraid to ask, or submit a PR.
To those interested in contributing, all changes should be made to manifest.xml
, and then the site can be re-generated with this program. If you can't run this, just submit a PR with your modifications to manifest.xml and I can merge it and re-build the site.
If you would like to contact me, I am WNP78#2849 on discord or WNP78 on Details on how the manfiest.xml
file is laid out are here.
Game Version:
- BeaconLight
- CameraVantage
- CargoBay
- Cockpit
- CommandPod
- Config
- ControlSurface
- CoverEngine
- CrewCompartment
- CrossFeed
- CurveInput
- Decal
- Detacher
- DockingPort
- ElectricMotor
- ElectricMotorOld
- Engine
- Eva
- EvaChair
- Fairing
- FlightProgram
- FuelTank
- Fuselage
- Gauge
- GaugeBase
- Generator
- GenericPart
- Gyroscope
- Inlet
- InputBasedActivator
- InputController
- JetEngine
- JointRotator
- KomodoNoseCone
- Label
- LandingGear
- LandingLeg
- LandingLegSuspension
- Light
- LightPart
- Mfd
- Package
- Parachute
- Payload
- Piston
- PropellerAssembly
- ReactionControlNozzle
- ResizableWheel
- RocketEngine
- ScalablePod
- SolarPanel
- SolarPanelArray
- SubPartRotator
- Suspension
- TestPilot
- Wing