Hello and welcome to this Rsyslog practical exercices suite!
The repository is composed of a docker image (available on Docker Hub as vultureworker/rsyslog_demo:latest), and a list of exercises to present different aspects of the Rsyslog functionnalities and capabilities.
In each folder, you'll find files with:
- input/raw logs
- rsyslog configuration files (at least, parts of it ;))
- a docker-compose.yml file to start up and test the exercice
For each exercice, you'll have to resolve a specific problem, by changing/adding Rsyslog configuration files, adjusting existing configuration, adding some details in rulebases...
In each folder, you'll also find specific informations on what to do.
During those exercices, you'll find useful some resources online:
- The Rsyslog documentation: for all things related to Rsyslog configuration
- The Liblognorm documentation: for all things related to Rsyslog/liblognorm rulebases' syntax
A basic understanding of docker, networking, linux/unix and python might be necessary for some steps.
Have fun!