How to use protobuf in Unreal Engine 4
Create new Unreal Engine 4 C++ project "MyProject" (engine version 4.26.2)
Create new module "Protobuf" in "Source" 2.1 new folder "Source/Protobuf" 2.2 new files "Protobuf.Build.cs", "Protobuf.h", "Protobuf.cpp" 2.3 Copy protobuf install files, build from source code (protobuf version 3.5) 2.4 add "Protobuf" to "MyProject.Build.cs" 2.5 remove "DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V2;" in "MyProject.Target.cs" and "MyProjectEditor.Target.cs"
Generate protobuf files 3.1 Move ".protoc" in "Source/MyProject/Protoc" 3.2 run "Source/Protobuf/bin/protoc.exe <Source/MyProject/Protoc/.protoc> --cpp_out Source/MyProject/Protoc/." 3.3 Now you have ".pb.h" and ""
Rebuild "MyProject" 4.1 Close Visual Studio 4.2 Generate project files 4.3 Build project