The Omni-swarm offical support TX2 with Ubuntu 18.04. For those running on other hardware and system setup, converting the models to trt by your own is essential.
Here to download the CNN models for Omni-swarm and extract it to swarm_loop folder.
Here to get the raw and preprocessed offical omni-directional and pinole dataset.
swarm_msgs and inf_uwb_ros are compulsory. And swarm_detector if you want to use detector.
首先把作者提供的docker image下载下来(一定不要漏了pc这个tag,否则会下载latest,不是最终版本):
docker pull xuhao1/swarm2020:pc
xhost +local:root #设置所有root用户(包括container中的root用户)可以访问X服务器
# 也有教程写的是 'xhost +',也就是允许所有用户访问
# [注意!!] 每次重新运行前要再执行一遍。改动仅在当次有效。
docker run -it \
--net=host \
--gpus all \
--runtime nvidia \
--env="QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1" \
--volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" \
--volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" \
--name="omni" \
xuhao1/swarm2020:pc \
zsh #最后的COMMAND参数一定要设置,zsh等同于/bin/zsh
# 再次使用时:启动容器,并在container中打开终端
docker start -i omni
# 如果需要额外的终端:
docker exec -it omni /bin/zsh
docker run指令的选项说明:
: `设置环境变量-显示器编号--volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw"
: 挂载和X服务器相关的目录--name="omni"
: 给容器起个名字
,删除所有文件并新建src文件夹在src文件夹下git clone本repo,以及上面作者提到的两个(三个)repo。
除此之外,还要git clone下面提到的VINS-Fisheye ,以及FUEL(需要用里面的bspline这个package,这个自己找真的头疼),以及和ros bag相关的sync_bag_player。
int32 drone_id
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-melodic-nlopt
catkin_make --pkg inf_uwb_ros -j1
是用单线程编译,不知道为什么在容器里直接catkin_make,默认的多线程会导致程序可能被kill。本人在ubuntu上用docker desktop的时候只有-j1可行。后来卸载docker desktop,并用命令行安装了docker,就可以多线程了(建议在ubuntu下不要用docker desktop,还容易在打开的时候卡在"Starting the Docker Engine")。
,如果出现类似program killed
catkin_make --pkg vins -j1
catkin_make --pkg swarm_loop -j1
catkin_make --pkg localization_proxy swarm_localization sync_bag_player -j1
接下来把下载的数据集(上面给了链接)在本地解压后用docker cp
文件夹:Here to get the raw and preprocessed offical omni-directional and pinole dataset.
docker cp ~/Downloads/swarm_raw_parallel_noyaw_2021-11-12 omni:/root/bags/
docker cp ~/Downloads/swarm_raw_parallel_yaw_2021-11-16 omni:/root/bags/
docker cp ~/Downloads/random_fly omni:/root/bags/
First, running the pinhole or fisheye version of VINS-Fisheye (Yes, VINS-Fisheye is pinhole compatiable and is essential for Omni-swarm).
具体做法是(需要先roscore和rosrun nodelet nodelet manager __name:=swarm_manager,或者加到launch文件里):
rosrun nodelet nodelet manager __name:=swarm_manager
roslaunch vins fisheye.launch config_file:=/root/swarm_ws/src/VINS-Fisheye/config/fisheye_ptgrey_n3/fisheye_cuda.yaml
# /root/SwarmConfig/fisheye_ptgrey_n3/fisheye_cuda.yaml中提供了不同的vins配置,且这个配置在下面的nodelet-sfisheye.launch中被使用。
# 如果为了保持统一性,Vins Fisheye应该也使用这个配置,则指令改为
# roslaunch vins fisheye.launch config_file:=/root/SwarmConfig/fisheye_ptgrey_n3/fisheye_cuda.yaml
roslaunch vins fisheye.launch config_file:=/root/swarm_ws/src/SwarmConfig/fisheye_ptgrey_n3/fisheye_cuda.yaml
roslaunch vins fisheye_node.launch config_file:=/root/swarm_ws/src/SwarmConfig/fisheye_ptgrey_n3/fisheye_cuda.yaml
Start map-based localization with(要先把nodelet-sfisheye.launch文件里第8、9行路径中的/home/dji改为/root;50行开始的tx2相关模型名称改为rtx3080的:superpoint_v1_tx2_fp16.trt改为superpoint_v1_rtx3080_fp16.trt,mobilenetvlad_208x400_tx2_fp16.trt改为mobilenetvlad_208x400_rtx3080_fp16.trt。3060显卡也跑通了)
roslaunch swarm_loop nodelet-sfisheye.launch
roslaunch swarm_loop node-sfisheye-txs.launch
or pinhole version
roslaunch swarm_loop realsense.launch
Start visual object detector by (not compulsory)
roslaunch swarm_detector detector.launch
Start UWB communication module with (Support NoopLoop UWB module only)
roslaunch localization_proxy uwb_comm.launch start_uwb_node:=true
roslaunch localization_proxy uwb_comm.launch start_uwb_node:=false self_id:=1
If you don't have a UWB module, you may start the communication with a self id(start from 1, different on each drone)
roslaunch localization_proxy uwb_comm.launch start_uwb_node:=true enable_uwb:=false self_id:=1
Start state estimation with visualizer by
roslaunch swarm_localization loop-5-drone.launch bag_replay:=true viz:=true enable_distance:=false cgraph_path:=/root/output/
# 在电脑上跑,用这个:
roslaunch swarm_localization loop-5-pc.launch bag_replay:=true viz:=true enable_distance:=false cgraph_path:=/root/output/ self_id:=1
roslaunch swarm_localization loop-5-drone.launch enable_distance:=false enable_detection:=false cgraph_path:=/root/output/ viz:=false self_id:=1
You may enable/disable specific measurement by adding
enable_distance:=false or enable_detection:=false enable_loop:=true
To visualize the real-time estimation result, use viz:=true. Add bag_replay:=true only when evaluation dataset, when evaluate pre-processed dataset, you may only launch loop-5-drone.launch Some analysis tools is located in DataAnalysis
To evaluate the program, a recommended way is by using a docker. We provide a runnable docker on docker hub, TAG is xuhao1/swarm2020:pc.
Due to the limitation of the TensorRT engine adopted in the frontend to accelerate the CNNs, the docker is restricted to running with an RTX 3080 or similar graphic card. We are working on migrating an onnxruntime version of frontend for CNNs referencing and a buildable docker file, which will be released very soon.
A Decentralized Omnidirectional Visual-Inertial-UWB State Estimation System for Aerial Swarm
Omni-swarm is a decentralized omnidirectional visual-inertial-UWB state estimation system for the aerial swarm. In order to solve the issues of observability, complicated initialization, insufficient accuracy and lack of global consistency, we introduce an omnidirectional perception system as the front-end of the Omni-swarm, consisting of omnidirectional sensors, which includes stereo fisheye cameras and ultra-wideband (UWB) sensors, and algorithms, which includes fisheye visual inertial odometry (VIO), multi-drone map-based localization and visual object detection. A graph-based optimization and forward propagation working as the back-end of the Omni-swarm to fuse the measurements from the front-end. According to the experiment result, the proposed decentralized state estimation method on the swarm system achieves centimeter-level relative state estimation accuracy while ensuring global consistency. Moreover, supported by the Omni-swarm, inter-drone collision avoidance can be accomplished in a whole decentralized scheme without any external device, demonstrating the potential of Omni-swarm to be the foundation of autonomous aerial swarm flights in different scenarios.
The is the code for Omni-swarm: A Decentralized Omnidirectional Visual-Inertial-UWB State Estimation System for Aerial Swarms. The manuscript has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), a preprint version is here.
The structure of Omni-swarm is
The fused measurements of Omni-swarm:
The detailed backend structure of state estimation of Omni-swarm: