Easy and portable PHP class for authenticating with YubiKeys
Created by: Matyáš Koc (Vilican)
Licensed under: CC-BY-NC-SA (if you need to use this in your commercial project, contact me)
Include or require the file to your PHP project
require "YubiAuth.php";
Create a new object from this class
$yubi = new YubiAuth($api_id, $api_key, $server);
You can get API ID and API key at https://upgrade.yubico.com/getapikey/
variable is not required. If you don't supply it, Yubico server will be used. -
When validating OTP, use the validate method
$result = $yubi->validate($otp, $user_key_id);
is the ID of user's key, which you probably have in database. -
Check the result
if ($result === TRUE) { }
True is returned if everything is OK. False is returned when there is an error.