Assignment from the third semester studying Frontend Development. The task is to build a webshop in Vue using Test-driven Development (TDD).
To start backend: Open terminal in the sumo-api folder and run "node app.js"
To start frontend: Open terminal in project folder and run "npm run serve"
Tasks completed today:
- Project board created. Made a Kanban board of tasks and requirement specifications. More will be added as I go along.
- Sketched project. Made a map of the different views and components I will use in Figma.
- Project created. Made a GitHub repo, cloned it, installed dependencies, created views and components.
- Version handling. Created a dev branch.
To do:
- Create API. I've taken a database from an earlier project (shopping-assignment), now I need to get more info how to make it into an API that works for this project
- Finish sketch how the page is supposed to look. Will model after
- Start testing simpler components that aren't dependant on API.
Late notes: I managed to create a database that listens to a port. Next step is to see if I can loop through the product list.
Tasks completed today:
- Sketch in Figma. That card is now moved to done.
- Design. Added a Header component, which I put my ShoppingCart component in. Added Footer component. Started working on the design of the ProductView.
- Completed the database. It is listening to port and I can successfully get the data.
To do:
- Figure out how to render the data from the API. The data is there, but isn't rendering properly.
I also made som progress when it comes to rendering the API. I will used lifecycle hooks to render the data when site loads. This will require a different method of testing, more on that found here.
After some help and some extensive problem shooting, the API finally renders as intended. I made a commit with some of the code that didn't work for documentation before I cleaned up the component. I had the problem that it wasn't looping through the data properly, and the solution is in hindsight almost laughable.
I did run into another problem when it came to rendering the pictures. While the code knows it's a picture, all it's rendering is a placeholder and not the actual image. I tried a couple of different fixes, most of them regarding relative paths, but nothing worked. The pictures themselves are fine, there is just something in the communication that I can't crack for the moment being.
This afternoon's commit is a safety backup.
Tried one more fix for the image rendering. I tried fetching the data through a method instead to see if it acted any different, but the problem still persists. I don't have time to get stuck on this any more, so I'll work with a placeholder for the time being to further develope the design for the page.
One of the design elements I worked on was the information about the different wrestlers. While I'm satisfied with the look of the individual cards I had problem placing them within the product block. The inspector shows the flex dirextion as row, but for some reason they are still stacked as a column. I tried working with flex wrap and hard coded containers to solve the problem, but it still doesn't behave as intended.
I have also finally started with some more serious testing. While testing out if the components are gets imported into the view was fairly straight forward, I struggled a bit more with testing visibility. The plan is to use to same view and toggle visibility between product listing and the shopping cart. At first I tried figuring out how to test the child components without much success, but by nesting the components into html I could target the spans rather than the components. That worked a lot better.
For tomorrow the plan is to write a test for the button that toggles the visibility and to spend some time working on post and delete in backend.
Today I started working on a test that should test whether you can toggle between the views on Home.vue. At the moment, it can't find the element I'm supposed to test, and I don't know if it has something to do with the element being nested into a grand child (even though the event has been emitted to the parent).
To better structure my work I made a todo list on paper and ranked the tasks after importance. The tasks where among others setting up tests, event handling, and complete design with placeholders. I've completed a fair few of them, and am backing them up now in the end of the work day.
The deadline for the project is tomorrow, and to finish the project properly I will focus first and foremost on these tasks:
- Finish at least one fetch test
- Make sure current tests are solid
- Update and complete technical requirement list
Today I fixed up some lose ends and tidied up a lot of smaller tests. Unfortunately, there is still a major test that I just couldn't figure out even after hours trouble shooting. I tried creating a test which tests adding a product to the cart, but for some reason no matter what I tried, nothing worked. The most common error I got was that my test couldn't find the element targeted, which is strange considering I haven't had that issue in any of the other tests that are similarly set up. I suspect that there might be something wrong with the fetch mocks, since it seems I need to declare my data over and over, and still it can't seem to find what I'm asking for. At the moment, I will have to leave it at that. Deadline is looming and I need sleep.