The client should feel a bit more polished now. We've also updated, fixed and improved some old and/or broken features. We've also added initial support for MCPE v1.8.x and v1.9.x. Enjoy this very talkative update, and let us know how you feel about it!
- Added TreasureFinder which allows you to find ores, chests and other special blocks/treasures by tapping the ground
- Added the ability of adding and removing waypoints into Teleport (waypoints added on multiplayer will be the same for every server, as they're global waypoints)
- Added a Chat dialog on the Dashboard screen (allows you to chat with other Vertex Client PE users)
- Added a new step into the setup screen where you can choose a settings preset ('default', 'all-in' or 'high performance')
- Added pos(ition) command which shows the player's coordinates when you run it
- Added custom language support (and we added a setting for it, choose between 'Default (English)' and 'Device language' **only Dutch and English are supported so far)
- Added a new 'Language' section on the settings screen along with a few new language related settings
- Added a new help section for waypoints
- Added a 'Prevent sending and receiving chat messages' setting (may not always work)
- Removed 'Automatically play music' setting (at least for now)
- Removed some old code
- Improved mod dialog titles
- Improved button stroke thickness dialog
- Improved dashboard tile size dialog
- Improved webbrowser startpage dialog
- Improved information screen
- Improved CaveFinder (made it more strict and fixed it because it wasn't fully working as intended)
- Improved TapJumpRun
- Improved Switch Gamemode
- Improved ItemGiver
- Improved DropLocator (located items and experience will now be displayed in a dialog instead of in the chat)
- Improved PlayerLocator (located players will now be displayed in a dialog instead of in the chat)
- Improved ServerInfo (it will now display the map name and the amount of online players)
- Improved performance
- Changed target version to MCPE v1.8.x
- Changed default stroke width from 2 to 1 (except from backgrounds) to make the client look better
- Renamed 'Confusion' to 'Nausea' in EffectGiver
- Renamed w command to web
- Rewrote some entity functions to be faster
- Updated entity blacklist for Aimbot and other combat mods (for example, armor stands are no longer targeted)
- Updated texts on the setup screen
- Updated copyright information on the information screen
- Updated Timer description
- Parrots, dolphins, turtles, drowned, endermites, wither skeletons and all types of fish are now supported in HealthTags
- If a mob isn't officially supported in HealthTags, it will now display "Unknown" instead of not showing the healthtag at all
- The default SpeedHack friction setting value is now 0.33 instead of 0.1
- Language files automatically update themselves now
- Users who enable ghost mode or hide the hacks list, TabGUI and Shortcuts UI should have better performance now
- The hacks list will now display 'No mods enabled' when no mods are enabled while the hacks list mode is set to 'Normal'
- Panic will now show a message saying "There are no mods to turn off" instead of doing nothing when no mods are enabled (from the selected categories in Panic's settings)
- Overall improvements
- Fixed a bug where the Account Manager button, the start screen bar and a tip dialog would show up before opening the setup screen (closing the tip dialog too fast would result in the setup screen not opening at all)
- Fixed a bug where the Account Manager button, the start screen bar and a tip dialog would show up on top of the splash screen
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't fill out the feedback form (by replacing the screen with a dialog)
- Fixed a bug where toggling a non-state mod using the .t(oggle) command would show an error
- Fixed a bug where the .toggle command didn't work (the shorter version .t did work already)
- Fixed a bug where the HealthDisplay UI would show up multiple times after loading a world while HealthDisplay is enabled
- Fixed a bug where the Watermark UI would show up multiple times after loading a world while Watermark is enabled
- Fixed a bug where the Rotation+ UI would show up multiple times after loading a world while Rotation+ is enabled
- Fixed a bug where the game would crash when using the 'Temporarily disable the client' function
- Fixed a bug where the 'Last death' coordinates in Teleport would be rounded after reloading the world
- Fixed a bug where ServerInfo would show no information at all
- Fixed a bug where ServerInfo would show "undefined" instead of its name in the display dialog
- Fixed a bug where the hacks list, TabGUI and shortcuts UI would show, dismiss itself and then show up again when loading a world
- Fixed a bug where some messages and texts would show %0, %1 or %2 instead of mod names or numbers
- Fixed a bug where TapExplosion didn't work (it would only show particles and hurt the player, but wouldn't destroy any blocks)
- Fixed a bug where PowerExplosions didn't work
- Fixed a bug where BlockLauncher would enter safe mode when restarting after downloading resource files or when restarting using the 'Restart BlockLauncher' tile
- Some other small bug fixes
- Added ChatFilter