- Backend Engineering: Crafting efficient, scalable, and robust backend architectures is where I excel. I enjoy creating seamless APIs and optimizing database interactions.
- Frontend Engineering: I love the pixel-perfect implementation of UI components and solving complex frontend engineering problems
- Open Source: Contributing to open source projects and being a part of the global developer community is rewarding and I enjoy every bit of it.
- Architectural Design: Designing system architectures that are both resilient and easy to maintain is a pursuit I find both challenging and rewarding.
- Database Management: Ensuring data integrity, Implementing locks, optimizing queries, and designing schemas are tasks I enjoy.
- AI Technology: Fascinated by Artificial Intelligence and its potential to revolutionize various sectors.
- Continous Learning: When I encounter any problem I cannot solve initially, I categorize such under "Skill Issue (Knowledge Gap for my Non-Nigerian Friends)." The beauty of Skill Issue is that it can be addressed and most times very quickly and this is the part I enjoy the most.
Languages: TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP, Golang
Environments: NodeJs, Go
Frameworks/Libraries: ExpressJs, NestJs, SpringBoot, GraphQL, ReactJs, VueJs, NextJs, Angular, Gin, SocketIO
Cloud Infrastructure: AWS, Heroku, Digital Ocean
Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis
I regularly jot down my technical insights, and learning, and write articles on various topics that intrigue me in the tech realm. You can read my notes and articles on my blog danielokoronkwo.tech.
Work has been a lot but I will be entering my indie hacking phase, who knows I might be a version of Twitter where videos play without annoying latency.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/daniel-okoronkwo
Email: [email protected]
I'm always open to collaboration, or just a friendly chat. Feel free to reach out, and let's connect!