A python based virus that slowly devours RAM and storage. Executable files for v2.0.0 are currently unsupported. v1.2.0 executable files do not function properly so it is advised not to use them. Does not include automatic startup for safety purposes
This virus is for experimental purposes and is NOT intended to be used on a vulnerable system.
- Current Version: v2.1.1
- Risk: Unrecognized by most software
- Effects: File content loss
- File Size: ~50 lines
- Adds new complicated directories to hide created files
- Creates larger files at a slightly slower rate (Increased storage consumption per run)
- Shorter code distribution than v2.0.0
- Fixes recognization problem from v1.2.0
- New codebase allows for faster runtime at a rate of 1/3 KB per second for each file
- Shorter code distribution
1: Virus changes all .py files to virus' code
2: All files are automatically run
3: Viruses create infinite files until stopped
DO NOT use this virus for anything other than experimental purposes
This is a new DeathNote repository. The preious one has been privated as the code no longer functions and is detected as a virus link. It is advised to use the new code for any future runs