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VallΓ©e du Gier

This work is part of the TIGA project. The goals of the project are to:

  • Study industrial hitory and heritage
  • Reconnect inhabitants with their territory

This demo offers tools to create 3D and geographic storytellings with urban data, geographic layers and medias. The demo uses UD-Viz to create the 3D view and to host it on the web.

Different examples are available with the demo (see install and run the demo). Those examples are about VallΓ©e du Gier's industry.


An online demonstration can be found here.

A Docker verison is also available in UD-Demo-TIGA-Vallee-Du-Gier-docker.

Installing and running the demo

The demo application can be locally (on your desktop) started in the following way:

npm i
npm run build
python3 -m http.server

and then use your favorite (web) browser to open http://localhost:8000/.

About the 3D View


The layers can be configured in layerConfig.json. The way to configure the layers depends on the UD-Viz version. You can check the UD-Viz examples for layer configuration examples.

A Layer is data displayed in the 3D view. There are different types of layers:

Base map layers

Base map layers are the base of the view. They are the maps on which the other layers will be placed.

Elevation layer

The elevation layer adds relief to the displayed map.

Color layers

Color layers add GeoJSON data directly on the map. They are displayed as points, polygons or polylines. The style can be configured for each color layer.

Label layers

Label layers add GeoJSON data as text above the map. The data should be GeoJSON points in order to place it correctly. The style of the text can be configured for each label layer.

3D Tiles layers

3D Tiles layers are 3D models with geographic positions. Those models have a spatial tiling, allowing to load only some parts of the data according to the camera position.


Filters allow to temporary change the data displayed by a layer. A filter can be applied on a color layer, a label layer or a 3D Tiles layer.

If the layer is a color or a label layer, the filter creates a new temporary layer with filtered data and hides the parent layer. The temporary layer is deleted and the parent layer set visible when the filter is removed.

If the layer is a 3D Tiles layer, the filter will add color to the 3D models. Those colors are removed when the filter is removed.

The way to create and use filters is different in the Guided Visit or the Open Visit. See Guided Visit filters and Open Visit filters.


The captions can be configured in captionConfig.json.

Captions allow to add context to displayed layers and filters. Each caption has a description and a style. The caption is linked to a layer or a filter by its id (the ID of the caption should be the same as the layer/filter ID).

The caption style type can be either plain, text, border or image.


  "description": "Layer 1",
  "id": "layer_01",
  "style": {
    "color": "#FF0000",
    "type": "plain"

If the caption has the type image, replace color by a path:

  "description": "Filter 1",
  "id": "filter_01",
  "style": {
    "path": "../assets/logos/caption_img.png",
    "type": "image"

About Guided Visits

Each guided visit is a sequence of steps, called Nodes. Each can have a geographic position, layers and medias (images, texts, etc), allowing to create a 3D and geographic storytelling.


The visits can be configured in visitConfig.json.

A Visit has a set of Nodes, a startIndex and a endIndex. Thoses indexes indicate which is the first step and the last step of the visit.

The name and the description attributes will be used to display information about the visit in the visit selection.

    GuidedVisit *-- Node
    Node "1" o-- "0..n" Filter
    Node "1" o-- "0..n" Layer
    Node "1" o-- "1" Position
    Node "1" o-- "0..n" Media
Attribute Required
id βœ… Yes
name πŸ”΄ No
description πŸ”΄ No
startIndex βœ… Yes
endIndex βœ… Yes
nodes βœ… Yes


  "id": "01",
  "name": "Example visit",
  "description": "This is an example of visit config",
  "startIndex": 0,
  "endIndex": 10,
  "nodes": [] // See Nodes


A node is a step of a Guided Visit. Each node is linked to a previous and a next node with previous and next indexes. If a node is the first node of the visit, its previous index must be the same the startIndex of the visit. If it's the last node, its next index must be the same as the endIndex of the visit.

A node has an attribute layers, which is a list of layer IDs. This list will define which layers are displayed and hidden at each step of the visit: among all the layers created by the 3D view, only those with their ID in the list will be displayed. If the list is empty or the layers attribute is missing, all layers will be displayed.

A node can have an attribute medias, which is a list of Media IDs. All the medias with their ID in the list will be displayed, one under the other, in the main panel of the visit.

A node can have an attribute filters, which is a list of Filters. See above if you want to know what is a filter.

A node can have a position and a rotation, allowing to move the camera to a specific position in the 3D view. The position must be a Vector3 with x, y and z and its coordinates must have the same projection as the 3D view. The rotation must be a Quarternion with x, y, z and w. The node should either both attributes or neither.

Attribute Required
previous βœ… Yes
next βœ… Yes
layers πŸ”΄ No *
medias πŸ”΄ No
filters πŸ”΄ No
position πŸ”΄ No **
rotation πŸ”΄ No **

* Even if the attribute is optional, it should always be present if the layer configuration creates multiple base map layers.
** position is required if rotation is present and vice versa.


  "previous": 0,
  "next": 1,
  "type": "half",
  "layers": ["layer_id"],
  "medias": ["Media_01"],
  "filters": [], // See Filters
  "position": {
    "x": 1815137.4389101316,
    "y": 5120561.345129335,
    "z": 74890.18365784828
  "rotation": {
    "x": 0.20020493997826672,
    "y": 0.0010948816804666021,
    "z": 0.0053579998619824485,
    "w": 0.9797387790017721


Filters can be used to style an existing layer or to display only specific parts of an existing layer. See above if you want to know what is a filter.

A filter must have a layer, which is the ID of the layer on which the filter will be applied.

A filter also has properties, used to set the filter. The configuration of the properties depends on the type on layer:

  • On a JSON layer, properties must be a JSON Schema properties. The JSON schema will be applied to each Feature of the layer. Only those accepted by the schema will be displayed.
  • On a 3D Tiles layer, properties can be used to apply a style on features depending on their Batch Table properties. The properties must contain an attribute (the name of the attribute used by the filter), an attribute_values (the list of values accepted by the filter) and a style. The style must have a materialProps field, containing THREE.JS MeshStandardMaterial properties (such as color, emissive, roughness, etc.).
Attribute Required
layer βœ… Yes
properties βœ… Yes

Filter on JSON layer example:

  "layer": "json_layer",
  "properties": {
    "COMMUNE": {
      "type": "string",
      "enum": ["AA", "BB"]

It will filter the JSON layer by displaying only the features which have an attribute "COMMUNE" equal to "AA" or "BB".

Filter on 3D Tiles layer example:

  "layer": "3dtiles_layer",
  "properties": {
    "attribute": "attr_1",
    "attribute_values": ["A"],
    "style": {
      "materialProps": {
        "color": "#202020"

It will filter the 3D Tiles layer by applying a black color to the features which have an attribute "attr_1" equal to "A".


The medias can be configured in mediaConfig.json.

A media can be linked to different nodes to display a set of contents, such as texts, images, videos, etc. Each media must have at least one content.

A media must have an ID, used to link the media to a node. The name can be used has a title and a description of the media.

A media must have a list of contents, described below.

    Media "1" o-- "1..n" Content
    Content <|-- Text
    Content <|-- Image
    Content <|-- Audio
    Content <|-- Video
    Content <|-- Pin
    Content <|-- File
Attribute Required
id βœ… Yes
name βœ… Yes
contents βœ… Yes

Media example:

  "id": "Media_01",
  "name": "Name of the media",
  "contents": [] // See Media Contents

Media Contents

A media content must have a type. This type is either a text, image, audio, video, pin or a file.

The rest of the configuration depends on the content type, more information below.

Attribute Required
type βœ… Yes
value βœ… Yes
caption πŸ”΄ No *
position πŸ”΄ No *

* Required only if the content type is pin

Text: the value is raw text


  "type": "text",
  "value": "This is raw text."

Image: the value is a link to an image (http or relative link).


  "type": "image",
  "value": "../assets/media/images/IMG_01.jpg"

Audio: the value is a link to an audio (http or relative link).


  "type": "audio",
  "value": "../assets/media/audios/AUD_01.mp3"

Video: the value is a link to a video (http or relative link).


  "type": "video",
  "value": "../assets/media/videos/VID_01.mp4"

Pin: place an image at a geographic position in the 3D view. The value is a link to an image (http or relative link). The caption is displayed beside the image.


  "type": "pin",
  "value": "../assets/media/images/IMG_01.jpg",
  "caption": "Pinned image caption",
  "position": {
    "x": 1826924.6322969063,
    "y": 5148677.232349239,
    "z": 266.6366424560547

File: load the content of the file in a HTML div. The content of the file can be raw text or HTML. The value is a link to a text file (http or relative link).


  "type": "file",
  "value": "../assets/media/texts/TXT_01.txt"

About Open Visit

The open visit can be configured in openVisitConfig.json.

In the open visit, we can explore freely the 3D scene and the data.

The open visit allows to:

  • Show and hide layers
  • Apply pre-defined filters on layers
  • Click on buiildings to display their information

The open visit can have a name and a description. Those fields are not mandatory.

The open visit must have layers, which is the list of layers used. See layers.

A field selection_target must also be present, which is the ID of the 3D Tiles layer containing the buildings on which the user can click to display information. The ID of the targeted layer must be present in layers.

The open visit can also have contents, allowing to create filters and categories of filters. See contents.

Attribute Required
name πŸ”΄ No
description πŸ”΄ No
selection_target βœ… Yes
layers βœ… Yes
contents πŸ”΄ No


  "name": "Open Visit Example",
  "description": "This is an open visit example",
  "selection_target": "layer_id",
  "layers": [], // See Layers
  "contents": [] // See Open Visit Contents

Open Visit contents

Open visit contents are either categories or filters. It allows to create pre-defined filters or categories of filters.

Category Content

A category must have a name, which is a short description of what the category contains.

A category must have type field equal to category. This type distinguishes categories from filters.

A category can have a legend, which is the ID of a file Media. This file contains a long description of the category and its contents.

A category can have layers, a list of layers that will be set visible or invisible when the category is displayed. Each layer should have an ID and a visible bolean. When the category is closed, layers that were set visible are set invisable and vice versa.

A category can have contents, which are either categories or filters.

Attribute Required
name βœ… Yes
type βœ… Yes
legend πŸ”΄ No
layers πŸ”΄ No
contents πŸ”΄ No


  "name": "Example category",
  "type": "category",
  "legend": "CATEGORY_CAPTION",
  "layers": [
      "id": "Layer1",
      "visible": true
      "id": "Layer2",
      "visible": false
  "contents": [] // Each content of "contents" can be either Category or Filter

Filter Content

A filter must have type field equal to filter. This type distinguishes filters from categories.

A filter must have a id, this ID will be used to identify the filter and to link the filter to a caption.

A filter must have a layer, which is the ID of the layer on which the filter is applied.

A filter must have a default value, either show or hide, indicating if the filter should be visible or invisible by default.

A filter also has properties, used to set the filter. The configuration of the properties is explained in Guided Visit Filters.

Attribute Required
type βœ… Yes
layer βœ… Yes
id βœ… Yes
default βœ… Yes
properties βœ… Yes

3D Tiles layer filter example:

  "type": "filter",
  "layer": "layer_id",
  "id": "Filter_01",
  "default": "show",
  "properties": {
    "attribute": "attr_1",
    "attribute_values": ["A", "B", "C"],
    "style": {
      "materialProps": {
        "color": "#ff0000"


The layers list allows to set the layers of the open visit. Each layer configuration must have an id and a default value. The default value must be either:

  • show: the layer will be visible by default. The layer can be toggled on/off.
  • hide: the layer will be invisible by default. The layer can be toggled on/off.
  • no_caption: the layer will always be visible but won't have a caption. The layer can't be toggled on/off.
Attribute Required
id βœ… Yes
default βœ… Yes


  "id": "layer_id",
  "default": "show" // Layer visible by default
  "id": "layer_id",
  "default": "no_caption" // Layer visible but without caption


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