A mobile app for fosscu community.
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
Clone the repository using git clone.
Then Run this from terminal.
pub get
Under lib/constants create a new file as apikey.dart, It is your key used to fetch data from github api.
const apikey = 'paste_your_apikey_here';
- Basic info of Club
- Login, Registration
- Documentation links
- Repositories
- Learning path
- Gitpod setup links
- View the deployed link for master branch
- Link to github unclaimed issues
- Commands to do the following
- Seeing the summary of proposals submitted by contributors
- Listing contributions by profile
- Share a summary of contributions at the end of the day to each individual channel project wise
- Total PR Raised by Contributors (not mentors)
- Total PRs Merged by Contributors (not mentors)
- Top 5 contributors
- Contributions for the day (Issues list)
- Draft proposals
- Share with mentors
- Allow mentors ping contributors when the proposal is reviewed (not sure how this can be accomplished)
- Dashboard to show all proposals a mentors needs to review
- Final proposals
- Submission