- checkout the plugin to moodle/local/reflect/ via
git clone https://github.com/University-of-Potsdam-MM/reflect-local_reflect.git reflect
- log in as administrator and install the plugin
- go to Administration -> Plugins -> Local Plugins -> Reflect Web Service
- add the course id numbers, seperated by line break, for which the webservice shall be activated e.g.
For an overview of the existing functions go to Administration -> Plugins -> Web services -> External services -> Reflect Service (Functions)
- local_reflect_get_calendar_entries (returns the calendar entries of the reflection course)
- local_reflect_get_feedbacks (returns all visible and available feedbacks of a reflection course)
- local_reflect_submit_feedbacks (submits the feedback values to the specified reflection course)
- local_reflect_enrol_self (enrols user in a specified reflection course)
- local_reflect_post_feedback (post general feedback to the forum of the course)
- local_reflect_get_completed_feedbacks (returns already answered feedbacks + answers)
Depends on reflect-block_pushnotification (https://github.com/University-of-Potsdam-MM/reflect-block_pushnotification)
- local_reflect_get_messages (returns messages sent by the reflect-block_pushnotification)