AnimeWallx is a wallpaper app that aims to make setting wallpapers easy and without any hassle and at the same time have a lot of SFW wallpaper and with a good image quality with support to more than one source of wallpapers. ⭐⭐⭐
The aim of this project is to learn more new concepts in Kotlin :))
Add Enter & Exit Anim on Primary screens -
Add Enter & Exit Anim when going from primary to child screen -
Add Search option-
By default latest wallpaper should appear in search screen -
Handle the errors when wallpaper not found
Change number of columns when screen orientation change -
Add wallpaper zoom functionality -
Add blur background to child wallpaper -
Parse Wallpaper Details-
Add publisher image -
Add wallpaper related color section
Add functionality to save wallpaper and set wallpaper-
Error handling when save wallpaper and set wallpaper
Make a motion layout in Wallpaper detail frame -
Add functionality to Find wallpaper with color - Add tag section to find wallpaper with tag
- add auto wallpaper changer with the user configuration
add favorite page - add more UI
- more plans coming
- Going to learn something new
- Kotlin
- Coroutines
- Libraries
- Glide with okhttp3 integration
- OkHttp
- Dagger Hilt
- TouchImageView
- Lottie
- blurview
- facebook shimmer
- Jetpack
- Navigation
- Room
- LiveData
- DataStore Preference
- SafeArgs