Manifests to deploy game servers locally or inside the LKE cluster
Helm must be installed. Make sure Agones is installed in the cluster.
To install Agones:
helm repo add agones
helm repo update
helm install my-release --namespace agones-system --create-namespace agones/agones
Inside the LKE cluster:
kubectl apply -f .\simple-game-server.yaml
This will generate a pod with the server and the agones side-car. It also creates a GameServer CRD.
If you want to deploy your game server on your local cluster (e.g. a minikube with docker desktop), your need to add a load balancer:
kubectl apply -f .\load-balancer.yaml
Inside the LKE cluser:
kubectl apply -f .\fleet.yaml
This will create a Fleet CRD, a GameServer CRD ans a pod with the game server and the agones-sidecar. With the Fleet, if you delete the pod, it will automatically recreacte a new pod.
For more information visit