Releases: USEPA/SWMM-EPANET_User_Interface
This is the first release of the two programs after migration of the code base to python 3/Qt5 development stack, specifically, python 3.7, PyQt 5.11.3, and PyQgis 3.6-Noosa. This is a pre-release with known issues, the release serves mainly as an incremental report on migration to the python 3.x environment and the bug fixes so far. Recent efforts on bug fixes have been focusing on EPANET program, hence it is more stable than the SWMM program. The latest python 3.7 SWMM/EPANET output API is still under review and testing, failure is still expected. Nevertheless, overall migration and install package development have been successful and we will continue development in the python3/Qt5/PyQgis3 environment. Please continue to report issues on the issue tracker page.
Based on initial users' response, windows 10 specific installers were constructed (labelled as -win10.exe). Users must have admin privilege on the machine for installation.
This release is the second revisions of the MTP4 major release. It includes many bug fixes and updates to improve stability and GIS operations in both SWMM and EPANET programs.
Users are encouraged to update to this latest version and log issues on the issue tracker page.
There is a 'docs' folder under the installation directory that contains tutorials on various aspects of the software, including GIS functionalities.
MTP4 revision 1
This is the first revision of the MTP4 release with the following updates:
- issue fixes
- functional improvements:
graphing of simulation result will allow selection of objects from map or form listing
vertex editing improvement
improved transition between model result display and default map display
automatic update of pattern id references after name change
See Tutorials
MTP4 Milestone Release
This release is the first beta testing release. It contains significant improvements from the previous release in functionality and online help. Please use the Issues page to report problems and request additional features.
Download the installers ( and, unzip them to arrive at the installation program executables.
This is the first release recommended for everyone interested to download and test. This is still considered a technology preview and is not a production release for regular use. Please use the Issues page to report problems and request additional features.
This is the third Minimum Testable Product, released for testing of specific functionality.
This is not a fully functional product and is not suitable for production use.
Release notes are at:
This is the second Minimum Testable Product, released for testing of specific functionality.
This is not a fully functional product and is not suitable for production use.
This release is described in the project wiki: