Contains content types and views to import and display UNLV Events
- calendar 7.x-3.4
- ctools 7.x-1.3
- date 7.x-2.7
- features 7.x-1.0
- views 7.x-3.5
These are the module version that this feature was created with. Newer module versions of the above might work, but your milage may vary.
- Feed from UNLV Calendar - feed_unlv_calendar
Node type that holds the UNLV calendar event feed location (URL)
- Feed Item from UNLV Calendar - feed_unlv_calendar_item
Node type that holds the actual events from UNLV calendar event feeds
- RSS UNLV Event XML - rss_unlv_event_xml
An RSS feed importer used to import official UNLV events
- Calendar - calendar_unlv_events
A calendar view that provides a calendar of events that contains the content from the first of the above content types (feed_unlv_calendar_item). By default is provides different calendar display views at:
(month view)/events/week