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Developers Guide

Eran Kampf edited this page Nov 17, 2023 · 1 revision

Local Installation

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.

  2. User the helm chart in ./deploy/twingate-operator:

    1. Create a custom values.yaml:
    cp ./deploy/twingate-operator/values.yaml ./deploy/twingate-operator/values.local.yaml
    1. Edit the settings (twingateOperator specifically) in ./deploy/twingate-operator/values.local.yaml
    2. Deploy:
    helm upgrade twop ./deploy/twingate-operator --install --wait -f ./deploy/twingate-operator/values.local.yaml


  1. We use asdf for version management. Install it and then run asdf install in the root of this repo to install the correct versions of the tools we use.
  2. We use direnv to manage environment variables. Install it and then run direnv allow in the root of this repo to allow it to manage your environment variables.
  3. cp .envrc.local.example .envrc.local and edit the values to match your environment.
  4. Install minikube
    1. brew install minikube
  5. minikube start
  6. Apply the custom CRDs to the cluster - kubectl apply -f deploy/twingate-operator/crds/
  7. Run make test-int to see integration tests pass.
  8. You can now edit code and run make run to run the operator locally
    1. You'll also want to peotry run pre-commit install to make sure you have the pre-commit checks running locally.

PyCharm & IDEs

If you use PyCharm, create a Run/Debug Configuration by adding a new Python configuration and setting it as follows:

  • Mode: module name
  • Module name: kopf
  • Arguments: run ./ -A --verbose
  • Python Interpreter: your project's virtualenv
  • Working directory: your project's root directory
  • Environment variables: copy your .envrc.local file content

Congratulations! You are ready to develop and debug the Twingate operator.

Release process

Dev Releases

When a PR is merged to main the CI github workflow will run and publish a new dev release to docker. This dev release version is determined by patching the current in pyproject.toml and adding a -dev.<build number> suffix.

For example, for the version in pyproject.toml is 0.4.0 then dev releases will be versioned as 0.4.1-dev.<build num> and CI will publish the following tags:

  • dev - latest development
  • 0.4.1-dev.<build num>

Production Releases

  • Run ./scripts/
    • Calculate new version based on conventional commits
    • Update version in pyproject.toml
    • Update
    • Create a tag for the version and commit
  • Once pushed a Github workflow will
    • Create a Github release
    • Publish the following tags to dockerhub:
      • latest
      • <major>
      • <major>.<minor>
      • <major>.<minor>.<patch>
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