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Deployment Roulette

This is a project demonstrating deployment skills and strategies taught in the Udacity course "Site Reliability Engineer". The original repo is nd087-c3-deployment-roulette

Dev Machine Dependencies

Project Setup

Step by step explanation of how to get a dev environment running.

The AWS environment will be built in the us-east-2 region of AWS

  1. Set up your AWS credentials from Udacity AWS Gateway locally

  2. From the AWS console manually create an S3 bucket in us-east-2 called udacity-tf-<your_name> e.g udacity-tf-treboder

    • The click create bucket
    • Update with your S3 bucket name
  3. Deploy Terraform infrastructure

    • cd starter/infra
    • terraform init
    • terraform apply
  4. Setup Kubernetes config so you can ping the EKS cluster

    • aws eks --region us-east-2 update-kubeconfig --name udacity-cluster
    • Change Kubernetes context to the new AWS cluster
      • kubectl config use-context <cluster_name>
        • e.g arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:139802095464:cluster/udacity-cluster
    • Confirm with: kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
    • Change context to udacity namespace
      • kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=udacity
  5. Follow the exercise instructions below

  6. Clean up the environment with the script or run the steps individually

cd starter/infra
terraform state rm kubernetes_namespace.udacity && terraform state rm
eksctl delete iamserviceaccount --name cluster-autoscaler --namespace kube-system --cluster udacity-cluster --region us-east-2
kubectl delete all --all -n udacity
terraform destroy

K8s Metrics Server

You might want to use metrics-server to see some basic statistics.

  1. Install with kubectl apply -f
  2. Verify with kubectl get deployment metrics-server -n kube-system
  3. Show pods and their basic stats with kubectl top pods --sort-by=memory

Visualizing AWS EKS Cluster

You may visualize your AWS EKS cluster in exercise 3 using the helm chart kube-ops-view

  1. Install helm

  2. Add the stable repo: helm repo add stable

  3. Install the helm chart kube-ops-view

    helm install kube-ops-view 


    helm install stable/kube-ops-view --set service.type=LoadBalancer

    with results in failure ("ensure CRDs installed")

    --set rbac.create=True
  4. Confirm the helm chart is installed successfully

    • helm list
  5. Get the service url to view the cluster dashboard

  • kubectl get svc kube-ops-view | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print "Kube-ops-view URL = http://"$4 }'

To remove this deployment use: helm uninstall kube-ops-view


1. Hello World Deployment

  1. Deploy the app by running kubectl apply -f .\hello.yml
  2. Check all running pods with kubectl get pods and grab the <hello-world-pod-name>
  3. Get the details for the pod with kubectl describe pod <hello-world-pod-name> and check the status
  4. Go to AWS and get the load balancer DNS name, which points to the two EC2 instances serving the hello-world app
  5. Check that the hello-world application is returning the logs healthy! by running kubectl logs <pod_name>
  6. Check the hello-world app with your browser and see hello_world_deployed.png
  7. Clean up the with kubectl delete -f .\hello.yml

2. Canary Deployment

  1. Ensure you have connectivity to your local kubernetes cluster
  2. kubectl config use-context docker-desktop
  3. Optional: Permanently switch namespace with kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=udacity and you do not need -n udacity at the end of every command
  4. Apply the index_v1_html.yml & index_v2_html.yml configmaps to deploy the service html templates.
    1. Run kubectl apply -f index_v1_html.yml
    2. Run kubectl apply -f index_v2_html.yml
    3. Check with kubectl get configmap -n udacity
  5. Deploy the service to the cluster (canary-svc.yml)
    1. Run kubectl apply -f .\canary-svc.yml
    2. Check with kubectl get service -n udacity
  6. Deploy the v1 & v2 starter template to the cluster (canary-v1.yml, canary-v2.yml)
    1. Run kubectl apply -f .\canary-v1.yml (container with v1 started right now)
    2. Run kubectl apply -f .\canary-v2.yml (You'll notice v2 has 0 replicas)
  7. Get the service cluster ip address and curl it 5 times to confirm only v1 of the application is reachable
    1. kubectl get service canary-svc -n udacity
    2. Use an ephermeral container to access the kubernetes internal network
      1. kubectl run debug --rm -i --tty --image nicolaka/netshoot -- /bin/bash
      2. curl <service_ip> and see <html><h1>This is version 1</h1></html
  8. Now we will initiate a canary deployment for canary-v2 via a bash script
    1. Run the bash script ./
    2. Check that the procedure replaced all the containers with the new nginx version
  9. During the first manual verification step ensure you can curl the service and get a response from both versions of the application.
    1. Then continue until all replicas of v2 are deployed
  10. Tear down environment with kubectl delete all --all -n udacity

3. Blue-Green Deployment

  1. Log into your student AWS account and switch to region us-east-2
  2. Setup your local aws credentials
  3. Launch the kubernetes cluster in starter terraform code provided
    1. terraform init
    2. terraform plan
    3. terraform apply optionally with parameter --auto-approve
  4. Ensure you have connectivity to your aws kubernetes cluster eks --region us-east-2 update-kubeconfig --name udacity-cluster 2.Change Kubernetes context to the new AWS cluster
    • kubectl config use-context arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:225791329475:cluster/udacity-cluster
    1. Confirm with: kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
    2. Change context to udacity namespace
      • kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=udacity
  5. Apply the index_blue_html.yml & index_green_html.yml configmaps to deploy the service html templates.
    1. Run kubectl apply -f .\index_blue_html.yml
    2. Run kubectl apply -f .\index_green_html.yml
    3. Check with kubectl get configmap
  6. Deploy the blue application to the cluster blue.yml
    1. Run kubectl apply -f .\blue.yml spawns the pods with app "blue"
    2. Check with kubectl get pods shows the running pods with app "blue"
  7. Check the "blue" deployment via curl
    1. Get the external ip from the "blue" load balancer with kubectl get svc
    2. Run curl <external_ip_of_loadbalancer> to see <html><h1>This is version BLUE</h1></html>
    3. Or simply start your browser of choice: <external_ip_of_loadbalancer>
  8. You'll notice there is a load balancer service created for you in the
    1. There is also an associated dns zone udacityexercise in that allows you to curl the hostname blue-green.udacityexercise from an ec2 instance
    2. Confirm you can curl this hostname from the created curl-instance ec2 instance (also created via terraform before)
      1. Connect to the ec2 instance via EC2 Instance Connect
      2. Then curl blue-green.udacityproject
  9. Deploy the "green" app by executing the shell script, which effectively:
    kubectl apply -f ./index_green_html.yml
    kubectl apply -f ./green.yml
  1. Confirm that the "green" app is deployed
    1. Run kubectl get pods to see the green pods running
    2. Get the external ip from the "green" load balancer with kubectl get svc
    3. Run curl <external_ip_of_loadbalancer> to see <html><h1>This is version GREEN</h1></html>
    4. Or simply start your browser of choice: <external_ip_of_loadbalancer>
  2. Check that both services are running using the curl instance
    1. Connect to the ec2 instance via EC2 Instance Connect
    2. Then curl blue-green.udacityproject
  3. Simulate a failover event to the green environment by destroying the blue environment
    1. kubectl delete -f .\blue.yml does the job
  4. Ensure the blue-green.udacityproject record now only returns the green environment
    1. curl blue-green.udacityproject via curl instance
  5. Clean up the with kubectl delete all --all -n udacity

3. Bloatware Deployment (node elasticity)

  1. Log into your student AWS account and switch to region us-east-2
  2. Setup your local aws credentials
  3. Launch the kubernetes cluster in starter terraform code provided
    1. terraform init
    2. terraform plan
    3. terraform apply
  4. Ensure you have connectivity to your aws kubernetes cluster eks --region us-east-2 update-kubeconfig --name udacity-cluster 2.Change Kubernetes context to the new AWS cluster
    • kubectl config use-context <cluster_name> (e.g. arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:225791329475:cluster/udacity-cluster)
    1. Confirm with: kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
    2. Change context to udacity namespace
      • kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=udacity
  5. Launch the bloatware.yml application on the cluster
    1. kubectl apply -f bloatware.yml
  6. Take a screenshot of the running pods: kubectl get pods -n udacity
  7. You'll notice NOT all the pods are in running state (AWS cluster can't support all of them with the initial single node).
    1. Identity the problem with them using the kubectl describe command
    2. e.g kubectl describe pod <name_of_pod>
    3. you'll notice at the bottom in events 0/2 nodes are available ...
  8. Clean up the with kubectl delete all --all -n udacity

Manual scaling as a workaround in case creation of the service user fails

  1. To resolve this problem manually increase the cluster node size via terraform and apply
 nodes_desired_size = 4
 nodes_max_size     = 10
 nodes_min_size     = 1
  1. Wait 5 mins then take a screenshot of the running pods: kubectl get pods -n udacity. You'll notice the pods that were in a pending are now able to be deployed successfully with the increased resources available to the cluster.


NOTE All AWS infrastructure changes outside of the EKS cluster can be made in the project terraform code

  1. [Deployment Troubleshooting]

    A previously deployed microservice hello-world doesn't seem to be reachable at its public endpoint. The product teams need you to fix this asap!

    1. The apps/hello-world deployment is facing deployment issues.
      • Assess, identify and resolve the problem with the deployment
      • Document your findings via screenshots or text files.
  2. [Canary deployments]

    1. Create a shell script that will be executed by GitHub actions.
    2. Canary deploy /apps/canary-v2 so they take up 50% of the client requests
    3. Curl the service 10 times and save the results to canary.txt
      • Ensure that it is able to return results for both services
    4. Provide the output of kubectl get pods --all-namespaces to show deployed services
  3. [Blue-green deployments]

    The product teams want a blue-green deployment for the green version of the /apps/blue-green microservice because they heard it's even safer than canary deployments

    1. Create a shell script that executes a green deployment for the service apps/blue-green
    2. mimic the blue deployment configuration and replace the index.html with the values in green-config config-map
    3. The bash script will wait for the new deployment to successfully roll out and the service to be reachable.
    4. Create a new weighted CNAME record blue-green.udacityproject in Route53 for the green environment
    5. Use the curl ec2 instance to curl the blue-green.udacityproject url and take a screenshot to document that green & blue services are reachable
      1. The screenshot should be named green-blue.png
    6. Simulate a failover event to the green environment by destroying the blue environment
    7. Ensure the blue-green.udacityproject record now only returns the green environment
      • curl blue-green.udacityproject and take a screenshot of the results named green-only.png from the curl ec2 instance
  4. [Node elasticity]

    A microservice bloaty-mcface must be deployed for compliance reasons before the company can continue business. Ensure it is deployed successfully

    1. Deploy apps/bloatware microservice
    2. Identify if the application deployment was successful and if not resolve any issues found
      1. Take a screenshot of the reason why the deployment was not successful
      2. Provide code or Take a screenshot of the resolution step
    3. Provide the output of kubectl get pods --all-namespaces to show deployed services
  5. [Observability with metrics]

    You have realized there is no observability in the Kubernetes environment. You suspect there is a service unnecessarily consuming too much memory and needs to be removed

    1. Install a metrics server on the kubernetes cluster and identify the service using up the most memory
      • Take a screenshot of the output of the metrics command used to a file called before.png
      • Document the name of the application using the most memory in a text file called high_memory.txt
    2. Delete the service with the most memory usage from the cluster
      • Take a screenshot of the output of the same metrics command to a file called after.png
  6. [Diagramming the cloud landscape with Bob Ross]
    In order to improve the onboarding of future developers. You decide to create an architecture diagram so that they don't have to learn the lessons you have learnt the hard way.

    1. Create an architectural diagram that accurately describes the current status of your AWS environment.
      1. Make sure to include your AWS resources like the EKS cluster, load balancers
      2. Visualize one or two deployments and their microservices




Udacity project "Site Reliability Engineer"







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