Kevin Wu (modified from solutions to assignment 2 written by Jeff Epstein)
These scripts rely on the following packages:
- argparse
- threading
- socket
- struct
- json
- collections
- time
- random
- hashlib
Python must be installed in the default location.
These scripts were designed to be run on linux. is run with ./
The viewleader will try to bind to the first port available. The phase2
commands are more or less untouched. It's also in charge of the rebalancing.
Whenever there is a view change, the viewleader will start the rebalancing
processes on a separate thread, so it still answers heartbeats and query_servers in its main thread. can be run with ./ (--viewleader)
There are two functions
rebalancing_f for when a server fails, and rebalancing_a for when there is
an additional server. They are wrapped in rebalancing functions with the
full name that run the function on a separate thread. Only one server can
rebalance at the same time, so it needs to acquire a 'rebalancing' lock from
the viewleader. is run with: ./ (--server|--viewleader ip_addr) command args
The client recognizes four commands to the server:
print (args) -- prints the args (even if it has spaces, but no
escape characters)
set (name) (value) -- Set a local variable (name) to (value) on the
get (name) -- Retrieve the value for (name) in the local
namespace on the server.
query_all_keys -- Retrieve all the names stored in the server's local
The client recognizes three commands to the viewleader:
lock_get (lock) (client) -- Try to get lock from the viewleader; if
the lock is currently held by another
client, retry every 5 seconds.
lock_release (lock) (client) -- Release a held lock; doesn't work if you
don't actually hold the lock.
query_servers -- Return a dict with the current epoch and
list of servers.
setr (name) (value) -- This sets (name) to (value) on the
server with the highest hash less than
the key hash, and the two subsequent
getr (name) -- This gets the value associated with
(name) on the servers with the value
from the server with the lowest hash
value to have it.
The overall quality of the latter half, particularly the rebalancing when you add a new server, is lower than I would like. I'm confident that it works on 3 servers or fewer. At 4 servers, it works sometimes, and for more than that this rebalancing will probably fail from broken pipes or maybe some other reason. The entire if section for more than 5 servers has never been tested.
The rebalancing is only designed to work if you don't add or remove servers during rebalancing. However, it seems to work even if you don't respect that, but I can't make any guarantees.
Setr and getr will fail if there is no viewleader or no servers.
You can force getr to retrieve the wrong value by using the normal set.
The viewleader prints 'Rebalancing complete' before rebalancing is actually complete.
There is a warning about using global leases and warning about iterating Nonetype, but the scripts seem to work just fine.
If you put a server on the same ip address as viewleader, the viewleader will save its address as, so the client will look there for better or for worse.
I used random to generate server ids, which I think is sufficiently random for our needs. I'm using SHA1 for the hashing algorithm and modding it by 10000, because that was what is recommended in the assignment. It should return a number that is evenly distributed, so the three servers that are chosen should be approximately evenly distributed in the range of the function.
When a server is lost, each server checks its neighboring servers for keys. Then it checks if it needs a copy of each key by their hashes. Every key that needs to be copied is then requested from the other servers. This way the viewleader will only have to supply each server with its neighboring servers, and let the servers do the rest of the work. If the number of servers is 3 or fewer each server copies all the keys that it finds in the two other servers.
When there is a new server, when the number of servers is 3 or fewer, we do the same thing as when a server is lost. This rebalancing follows the same idea as the rebalancing when a server is lost, but it is more complicated. The viewleader gives each server a list of servers that are near it. Then each server decides using the key hashes if it needs to have a key that it doesn't already have. If the server does decide that it needs a new key, it asks the server holding the third copy of the value to send it over and then delete the key. In some cases when we reach the new server, we will need to get both the value of the key and send a third value of that key to the appropriate server.