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Releases: TradeWars/warehouse


08 Jul 13:33
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75b8f70 release
e56d9b3 release
e336e56 updated pawn-requests dependency version


08 Jul 11:27
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5f22f9f Merge branch 'master' of
62ec9fd Update LICENSE
fa68aac Versioning timezone changed to UTC
78c57be added versionfile and versioning make tasks
1684315 ignored vs dir
46c0de9 lint satisfaction
e56d9b3 release
25b8452 release
4a03687 ssc > warehouse
f33cb9d updated dependencies added index function improved error catching in callbacks added make tasks for tests
bb7d5c5 updated import paths


23 Jun 11:10
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77972d9 Merge branch 'master' of
5ab0445 added docker build/push to release command fixed docker push command
eb86283 added missing stock qualifiers to Pawn API
9490825 added pawn package files for pawn helpers
91c6053 added release stuff
fec6354 adjusted tests, structs and db calls for new type structure
3c9a6cf implemented Pawn request API for player libraries
1c6eedb improved status return for playerGet with invalid params
d1f0059 remove env file
959aea0 split Player structure into separate objects
a3fdecf update makefile
b7f0c60 updated cache with comments and types changes


21 Jun 10:24
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bb88e4a Create
a042492 Initial commit
ad66871 Merge branch 'master' of
3431658 Merge branch 'master' of
658f30d abstracted storage to a separate package added Storer interface that describes the CRUD interface
621caf6 add travis script
f4ab636 added an index endpoint fixed status message key in JSON tag
20258ea added player, ban and report types
91c6053 added release stuff
f74d592 added some more validation constraints
8736e73 added testing environment variables for travis
f070cdf added unit test for reportGetList started work on report listing params
a5aa802 changed player IP to use a string
75c4f3a debug var
864e31c doc string
7ce1fc1 finished first unit test and implementation for playerCreate
c29d2a9 finished unit tests for admin
257ceec fix travis mongo script
61ba471 fixed settings for non-temp tests
29f3cf6 implemented admin storage added ensure functions for other collections added admin struct
65b6b49 implemented basic authentication
651481f implemented cache for quick spinup and dev usage
624029b implemented query passthrough for endpoint functions merged both player get endpoints to one that accepts params written unit tests for playerGet vendored qstring
0ff52ac implemented search parameters for reports
d0bb241 implemented some validators renamed some files added doc strings for packages
d369e12 implemented time seach time search based on ID not dates
eb9c2b7 initial commit laid down some framework for a new ssc server more details to come in readme soon
e3bc654 made duplicate account into status instead of error written unit tests for duplicate username
d1f0059 remove env file
47f1a6c removed unused env var for travis
f8d1999 removed user/pass from db tests
ca1bcbe simplified PlayerCreate that caused test failure due to error message
4514814 simplified another doc field
c53e6cc started work on admin endpoints and unit tests
bf383a0 started work on ban endpoints simplified accepts doc field for query strings
40ce8a9 started work on report endpoints
1819313 tests now clean up prior to running
a3fdecf update makefile
6f37a63 updated readm
a7c92d8 vendored dependencies
460a37b written test for reportGet added validity checks for reportGet id and playerGet id or name
231750f written tests for playerUpdate