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Simon Levermann committed Feb 18, 2014
1 parent a29a429 commit 4293725
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Showing 4 changed files with 356 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -30,3 +30,4 @@
Binary file added logo_large.png
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177 changes: 177 additions & 0 deletions mybeamer.cls
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@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@



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178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions tox.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@

% Set title, date, etc.
\subtitle{Messaging on the GNU Internet}
\author{Simon Levermann (sonOfRa)}
\institute{The Tox Team}



\section{What is Tox?}
\frametitle{The what}
\begin{block}{What is Tox?}
\item FOSS Chat and A/V-Chat protocol (GPLv3)
\item Decentralized architecture
\item Configuration free
\item Skype Replacement

\section{Why are we doing it?}
\frametitle{The why}
\begin{block}{Why are we doing this?}
\item We want a free(as in Freedom) and secure alternative for Skype
\item \textit{''We don't want to be the next secure chatting program, we want to be the next secure chatting program that people actually use.''} - Someone on IRC
\item Current secure chat programs aren't easy to use, at least not for \sout{our parents and grandparents} normal people

\item Text messaging
\item Groupchats
\item File sending
\item Audio/Video (will be encrypted soon, almost ready to merge as of 23/12/2013)
\item Several clients for GNU/Linux, OSX and Windows, Qt, GTK, ncurses
\item PyTox, the Python binding for Tox
\frametitle{Planned and in Progress}
\begin{block}{Planned and in Progress}
\item Better NAT support (sometimes symmetric NATs are problematic)
\item Implement A/V in actual clients, not just as an API
\item jToxcore, the Java binding for Tox
\item Android client (depends on jToxcore)
\section{The technical stuff}

\item Tox is only a library, everyone can make their own client
\item GPLv3, so clients must also be licensed under the GPL
\item Bindings to other languages are partially available (or you can make one yourself)
\item We are building upon existing cryptography, not inventing our own
\item We use libsodium, which is a portable fork of NaCl(Salt)
\item Public/Private-Key based, public keys are UserIDs
\item crypto\_box: \textit{curve25519xsalsa20poly1305}
\item curve25519 for Key exchange
\item xsalsa20 for encryption
\item poly1305 for message authentication


\begin{block}{Network Architecture}
\item Peer-to-Peer chatting, no central servers
\item Use UDP for connections
\item UDP was the obvious choice for P2P
\item 'Lossless UDP' for reliability in messaging
\item UDP hole-punching for getting through NATs
\begin{block}{DHT Design}
\item Use a DHT to store peer information
\item Since public keys are IDs, map a public key to an IP-Address
\item Every client stores the mathematically closest nodes by XORing public keys
\item Since there are no trackers like in Bittorrent, use Bootstrap nodes for initial login
\item Bootstrap nodes are clients that don't do messaging, only DHT work, but any client can serve as a bootstrap node

\item An attacker that controls a large portion of DHT nodes can easily log the social graph (solution is on the way, draft not done at time of writing)
\item Friend request spam (solved)
\item \url{}
\item Problem: This is new, I have not read it yet!

\item We're on GitHub!
\item The core is at \url{}
\item The subprojects are hosted in the Tox Organization at \url{}

\begin{block}{Getting in touch}
Most of our communication happens in the channels \#tox-dev and \#tox on Freenode IRC


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