I made it- An actually simple syntax this time
- Errors are understandable
If you have the entire project downloaded, you can run python main.py <yourfile>.tacapl
in your terminal.
If you only have the library installed, this would be your code:
from tacapl import Interpreter
TACAPL = Interpreter()
print <whatto print>
- Self explanatory
set <var> = <value>
- Sets a variable
add <var> = <num1> + <num2>
- Self explanatory
subtract <var> = <num1> - <num2>
- Self explanatory
multiply <var> = <num1> * <num2>
- Self explanatory
divide <var> = <num1> / <num2>
- Self explanatory
if <condition>
- This will be explained later
- This will be explained later
input <var> = "<question>"
- Sets the variable to the user's input
printsent <whattoprint>
- Same as print
but without a new line
if <condition>
and end
: These commands go hand in hand, if the condition is true, nothing happens, but if the condition is false, no code will run until the statement that says end
Every line but the last line must end in a semicolon.