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Saved Variables

Solanya edited this page Feb 25, 2019 · 6 revisions

Add-ons for World of Warcraft can only store information in a specific folder, the WTF folder in your World of Warcraft folder. WTF stands for Warcraft Text Files. The WTF folder organize your settings by accounts, so you can share your computer with someone else without having you settings messed up. World of Warcraft also allow add-ons developer to store data either at a global account-wise level or at a character level. Some roleplaying add-ons like MyRolePlay store your information at a character level. It means that for each one of your character a myroleplay.lua file with that specific character's information will be created in the WTF folder. Total RP 3 uses the account-wise level storage, so you can access any profile from any character.

Access your Total RP 3 files on Windows

The easiest way to access your World of Warcraft folder, no matter where the game was installed, is to use the option menu on the launcher and choose the option “Show in Explorer”.

Show World of Warcraft’s folder in the Explorer

An Explorer window will open with the World of Warcraft folder selected. Navigate into this folder, then into the _retail_ folder, and then the WTF folder. Your Total RP 3 data are contained inside the SavedVariables folder, accessible via WTF\Account\**YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME**\SavedVariables.

Your profiles, settings and anything that needs to be saved are stored in the totalRP3.lua file. The data from others, their profiles, their companions, are stored in the totalRP3_Data.lua file.

WTF folder organization

Access your Total RP 3 files on macOS

The easiest way to access your World of Warcraft folder, no matter where the game was installed, is to use the option menu on the launcher and choose the option “Reveal in Finder”

Reveal World of Warcraft’s folder in the Finder

Your World of Warcraft folder will open. You can then navigate into the _retail_ folder, and then the WTF folder. Your Total RP 3 data are contained inside the SavedVariables folder, accessible via WTF/Account/**YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME**/SavedVariables

Access the SavedVariables folder

Your profiles, settings and anything that needs to be saved are stored in the totalRP3.lua file. The data from others, their profiles, their companions, are stored in the totalRP3_Data.lua file.

The .bak files are internal backups periodically created by the game. They can contain information months old and should be ignored.

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