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Application with best coding practices. Deep work with FSD architecture, tests, imports management and more

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Project Launch

npm install - install the dependencies
npm run start:dev or npm run start:dev:vitt - launch the server + frontend of the project in dev mode


  • npm run start - Launch frontend project on webpack dev server
  • npm run start:vite - Launching a frontend project on vite
  • npm run start:dev - Launch frontend project on webpack dev server + backend
  • npm run start:dev:vite - Launch frontend project on vite + backend
  • npm run start:dev:server - Start the backend server
  • npm run build:prod - Build in prod mode
  • npm run build:dev - Build in dev mode (not minimized)
  • npm run lint:ts - Checking ts files with linter
  • npm run lint:ts:fix - Fix ts files with linter
  • npm run lint:scss - Checking scss files with a linter
  • npm run lint:scss:fix - Fixing scss files with a style linter
  • npm run test:unit - Running unit tests with jest
  • npm run test:ui - Running screenshot tests with loki
  • npm run test:ui:ok - Confirmation of new screenshots
  • npm run test:ui:ci - Running screenshot tests in CI
  • npm run test:ui:report - Generating a complete report for screenshot tests
  • npm run test:ui:json - Generation of a json report for screenshot tests
  • npm run test:ui:html - Generating HTML report for screenshot tests
  • npm run storybook - launch Storybook
  • npm run storybook:build - Building a storybook build
  • npm run prepare - precommit hooks
  • npm run generate:slice - Script for generating FSD slices

Project Architecture

The project is written in accordance with the Feature sliced design methodology

Link to the documentation - feature sliced design

Working with translations

The project uses the i18next library to work with translations. Files with translations are stored in public/locales.

For comfortable work, we recommend installing the plugin for webstorm/vscode

i18next documentation - /


The project uses 4 types of tests:

  1. Regular unit tests for just - npm run test:unit
  2. Component tests with React testing library -mpm run test:unit
  3. Screenshot testing with loki npm run test:ui
  4. e2e testing with Cypress npm run test:e2e

Learn more about tests - testing documentation


The project uses eslint to check typescript code and styleline to check files with styles.

Also, for strict control of the main architectural principles , the proprietary eslint plugin eclipse-plugin-multi-tv-plugin is used, which contains 3 rules

  1. path-checker - prohibits the use of absolute imports within a single module
  2. layer-imports - checks the correctness of using layers from the FSD point of view ((for example, widgets cannot be used in features and entities)
  3. public-api-imports - allows imports from other modules only from the public api. It has an auto fix
Launching linters
  • npm run lint:ts - Checking ts files with a linter
  • npm run lint:ts:fix - Correction of ts files by linter
  • npm run lint:scss - Checking css files with a style linter
  • npm run lint:scss:fix - Fix css files with style linter


The project describes story cases for each component. Requests to the server are mocked using storybook-addon-mock.

The storycase file is created next to the component with the .stories.tsx extension

You can run storybrooke with the command:

  • npm run storybook

Learn more about Storybook


import React from 'react';
import { ComponentStory, ComponentMeta } from '@storybook/react';

import { ThemeDecorator } from '@/shared/config/storybook/ThemeDecorator/ThemeDecorator';
import { Button, ButtonSize, ButtonTheme } from './Button';
import { Theme } from '@/shared/const/theme';

export default {
    title: 'shared/Button',
    component: Button,
    argTypes: {
        backgroundColor: { control: 'color' },
} as ComponentMeta<typeof Button>;

const Template: ComponentStory<typeof Button> = (args) => <Button {...args} />;

export const Primary = Template.bind({});
Primary.args = {
    children: 'Text',

export const Clear = Template.bind({});
Clear.args = {
    children: 'Text',
    theme: ButtonTheme.CLEAR,

Project Configuration

For development, the project contains 2 configs:

  1. webpack - ./config/build
  2. vite - vite.config.ts

Both collectors are adapted to the main features of the application.

The entire configuration is stored in /config

  • /config/babel - babel
  • /config/build - webpack configuration
  • /config/jest - configuration of the test environment
  • /config/storybook - storybook configuration

The scripts folder contains various scripts for refactoring\simplifying code writing\generating reports, etc.

CI pipeline and pre commit hooks

The github actions configuration is located in /.github/workflows. ci runs all kinds of tests, builds the project and Storybook, linting.

In the pre-commit hooks, we check the project with linters, config in /.husky

Working with data

Interaction with these users is carried out using a set of redux toolkit. Opportunities reused opportunities do not necessarily need to be normalized using EntityAdapter

Try to find the answer using RTK query

To asynchronously connect the editors (so as not to pull them into a common bundle), use [Dynamicmoduleloader

Working with feature-flags

It is allowed to use feature flags only with the help of the toggleFeatures helper

an object with options is passed to it

{ name: name of the flag feature, on: function that will work after the feature is turned on of: function that will work after the feature is turned off }

To automatically remove a feature, use the remove-feature.ts script, which takes 2 arguments

  1. The name of the flag feature to be deleted
  2. Status (on\off)




Application with best coding practices. Deep work with FSD architecture, tests, imports management and more







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