This library provides a framework agnostic GraphQL driver for Doctrine ORM for use with webonyx/graphql-php. Configuration is available from zero to verbose. Multiple configurations for multiple drivers are supported.
Detailed documentation is available.
For an example application post to
- Uses PHP 8 Attributes
- Multiple independent configurations
- Support for all default Doctrine Types & custom types
- Support for the GraphQL Complete Connection Model
- Supports filtering of sub-collections
- Events for modifying queries and entity types
- Uses the Doctrine Laminas Hydrator for extraction
- Conforms to the Doctrine Coding Standard
Run the following to install this library using Composer:
composer require api-skeletons/doctrine-graphql
This Entity Relationship Diagram, created with Skipper, is used for the query examples below and testing this library.
Add attributes to your Doctrine entities
use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\GraphQL\Attribute as GraphQL;
class Artist
public $id;
public $name;
public $performances;
class Performance
public $id;
public $venue;
* Not all fields need attributes.
* Only add attribues to fields you want available in GraphQL
public $city;
Create the driver and GraphQL schema
use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\GraphQL\Driver;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use GraphQL\Type\Schema;
$driver = new Driver($entityManager);
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'query',
'fields' => [
'artists' => [
'type' => $driver->connection($driver->type(Artist::class)),
'args' => [
'filter' => $driver->filter(Artist::class),
'pagination' => $driver->pagination(),
'resolve' => $driver->resolve(Artist::class),
'mutation' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'mutation',
'fields' => [
'artistUpdateName' => [
'type' => $driver->type(Artist::class),
'args' => [
'id' => Type::nonNull(Type::id()),
'input' => Type::nonNull($driver->input(Artist::class, ['name'])),
'resolve' => function ($root, $args) use ($driver): Artist {
$artist = $driver->get(EntityManager::class)
return $artist;
Run GraphQL queries
use GraphQL\GraphQL;
$query = '{
artists {
edges {
node {
performances {
edges {
node {
$result = GraphQL::executeQuery(
schema: $schema,
source: $query,
variableValues: null,
operationName: null
$output = $result->toArray();
Run GraphQL mutations
use GraphQL\GraphQL;
$query = 'mutation ArtistUpdateName($id: Int!, $name: String!) {
artistUpdateName(id: $id, input: { name: $name }) {
$result = GraphQL::executeQuery(
schema: $schema,
source: $query,
variableValues: ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'newName'],
operationName: 'ArtistUpdateName'
$output = $result->toArray();
For every attributed field and every attributed association, filters are available in your GraphQL query.
artists ( filter: { name: { contains: "dead" } } ) {
edges {
node {
performances ( filter: { venue: { eq: "The Fillmore" } } ) {
edges {
node {
Each field has their own set of filters. Most fields have the following:
- eq - Equals.
- neq - Not equals.
- lt - Less than.
- lte - Less than or equal to.
- gt - Greater than.
- gte - Greater than or equal to.
- isnull - Is null. If value is true, the field must be null. If value is false, the field must not be null.
- between - Between. Identical to using gte & lte on the same field. Give values as
low, high
. - in - Exists within a list of comma-delimited values.
- notin - Does not exist within a list of comma-delimited values.
- startwith - A like query with a wildcard on the right side of the value.
- endswith - A like query with a wildcard on the left side of the value.
- contains - A like query.
You may modify the query builder used to resolve any connection by subscribing to events.
Each connection may have a unique event name. Entity::class . '.filterQueryBuilder'
is recommended.
Pass as the second parameter to $driver->resolve()
use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\GraphQL\Event\FilterQueryBuilder;
use App\ORM\Entity\Artist;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType;
use GraphQL\Type\Schema;
use League\Event\EventDispatcher;
$schema = new Schema([
'query' => new ObjectType([
'name' => 'query',
'fields' => [
'artists' => [
'type' => $driver->connection($driver->type(Artist::class)),
'args' => [
'filter' => $driver->filter(Artist::class),
'pagination' => $driver->pagination(),
'resolve' => $driver->resolve(Artist::class, Artist::class . '.filterQueryBuilder'),
$driver->get(EventDispatcher::class)->subscribeTo(Artist::class . '.filterQueryBuilder',
function(FilterQueryBuilder $event) {
->innerJoin('entity.user', 'user')
->andWhere($event->getQueryBuilder()->expr()->eq('', ':userId'))
->setParameter('userId', currentUser()->getId())
You may modify the criteria object used to filter associations. For instance, if you use soft deletes then you would want to filter out deleted rows from an association.
use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\GraphQL\Attribute as GraphQL;
use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\GraphQL\Event\FilterCriteria;
use App\ORM\Entity\Artist;
use League\Event\EventDispatcher;
class Artist
public $id;
public $name;
#[GraphQL\Association(filterCriteriaEventName: self::class . '.performances.filterCriteria')]
public $performances;
// Add a listener to your driver
Artist::class . '.performances.filterCriteria',
function (FilterCriteria $event): void {
$event->getCriteria()->expr()->eq('isDeleted', false)
You may modify the array used to define an entity type before it is created. This can be used for generated data and the like. You must attach to events before defining your GraphQL schema. See the detailed documentation for details.
use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\GraphQL\Driver;
use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\GraphQL\Event\EntityDefinition;
use App\ORM\Entity\Artist;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use League\Event\EventDispatcher;
$driver = new Driver($entityManager);
Artist::class . '.definition',
static function (EntityDefinition $event): void {
$definition = $event->getDefinition();
// In order to modify the fields you must resovle the closure
$fields = $definition['fields']();
// Add a custom field to show the name without a prefix of 'The'
$fields['nameUnprefix'] = [
'type' => Type::string(),
'description' => 'A computed dynamically added field',
'resolve' => static function ($objectValue, array $args, $context, ResolveInfo $info): mixed {
return trim(str_replace('The', '', $objectValue->getName()));
$definition['fields'] = $fields;
Detailed documentation is available.