Python script to import your Letterboxd movies into IMDb.
How it works:
The script first "visits" all the Letterboxd links in your zip file and gets the corresponding IMDb page. This way, it can be ensured the correct movie is rated.
After that, your cookie is used to authenticate a request to the internal IMDb GraphQL rating API.
Video tutorial on how to use this:
- Python 3 (Download)
- Letterboxd Account
- IMDb Account
- Export your Letterboxd ratings and watchlist (How to)
- Get the IMDb cookie and save it as "cookie.txt" in the script folder
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run
python -f <YOUR ZIP FILE>.zip
Treat this cookie like your password!
- Log into your IMDb account
- Open Chrome dev tools -> Network
- Filter by Fetch/XHR
- Refresh the page
- Copy the cookie of one of the requests (Right click -> Copy Value)
Transfer your ratings and watchlist:
py -f .\ -w
Transfer your watched movies with a rating of 5/10:
py -f .\ -r 5
usage: [-h] -f ZIPFILE [-p PARALLEL] [-c] [-r RATING] [-w]
Imports your Letterboxd ratings and watchlist into IMDb
required arguments:
-f ZIPFILE The exported zip file from letterboxd
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PARALLEL Urls to be processed in parallel (valid: 1 to 20)
-c Add this flag to disable the history
-r RATING The rating to give watched but unrated movies. By default they are ignored (valid: 1 to 10)
-w Add this flag to also transfer your watchlist
: Can be used if you want to speed up the process, if you set it too high you might get rate limited. Default: 5
: If the history is causing problems, you can add this flag to disable it.
: Can be used to rate watched but unrated movies. Because IMDb doesn't have an option to "just watch", a default rating has to be specified
: Used to also transfer your watchlist
Advanced usage example:
py -f .\ -p 10 -r 5 -w