WIP: freeboard backend
- create your personal new repository
- add this repository as remote
git remote add freshboard [email protected]:TobiEiss/freshboard.git
- pull from this remote
git pull freshboard master --allow-unrelated-histories
- init git submodules (the original freeboard)
git submodule init
- update git submodules (the original freeboard)
git submodule update
- (optional) test installation:
- if you have installed go:
go run server.go
- browse:
- if you have installed go:
- Raspberrypi (rasbian):
docker build -t freshboard -f Dockerfile-raspberrypi .
#@xscreensaver -no-splash
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@sh /home/pi/freshboard/autostart.sh
Without mouse
sudo apt-get install unclutter