###原名 BadLeague ###原名2 Destroyers
火拳队长:菲斯特 BlackFist
史特博士:史特曼 ShitMan
慢速怪兽:史楼力 Slowly
第一季 15集
14 ~15集 菲斯特的毁灭与重生
BoneStick 骨刺
Yogurt 腰果
LineTime 兰特姆
###主要剧情 聚集各个反派,成立毁灭者联盟,对抗复仇者联盟和正义联盟,维护世界的平衡。
BlackFireFist hands show
say: we are the bad guys
say: we come from darkness
say: to balance the world
say: Bad guys, Assemble!
BFF needs a inordinary gloves.
I am BlackFireFist, a bad guy has superpower.
This is my colleague, ShitMan.
A scientist, actually an idot.
This is another colleague BeLate, who is always late.
###Theme song
what the fuck are you talking about?
Is that important?
###Content I am bad guy, I know it's the war, we can't stop until we win.
###What's more These ideas are all god made. God put them into my mind. That is the chance god give me, all I should do is make it as best as I can.