A generalist algorithm to analyse cell shape from 3D labeled image.
This code is made to analyse cell shape from 3D labeled image. It is divide in three parts:
- Prerequisite that will create image containing one cell. This is mandatory to fasten the following analysis.
- We determine edges and faces associated to each cell. Quality of this analysis is dependant of the quality of the labeled image. There is no segmentation correction.
- Analysis of cells, faces and edges.
There is a Python API to allow user to integrate CellMet into your custom workflow.
In order to be able to use this project. You first need to segment you image using CellPose (or any other software that gives 3D label image). You need to be satisfied by your label image, since there is no manual correction (only filter can be apply to remove cells that has a volume below a threshold for example).
Then, you can perform 3D cell segmentation with CellMet.
You can generate ply/obj file for each cells.
Datas are organised as half-edge structures. The vertex, edge, face and cell tables are interconnected to represent and navigate through the mesh's elements. |
It creates two folders names "npz" and "obj_mesh" that stores numpy array of binary one cell image and ply/obj file of each cell respectively. npz file are mandatory for the analyse, while obj_mesh allows to visualise cells in 3D with Blender. All files are named after the cell id in the original image.
This part consists of analysing the labelled image in order to determine neighbouring relationship between cells; contact between two cells (i.e. face); contact between three cells (i.e. edge).
Plane measure :
- Real distance
$D_r$ - Short distance
$D_s$ - Curvature index
See INSTALL.md for a step by step install. A datasets to test the program can be found here.
Kernel crash due to lack of memory: reduce the number of core used for parallelized task.
- Add GUI with python or as a Napari plugin