Priority Queue Practice Problem: Emergency Room Simulation Using Priority Queue Problem Statement:
You are tasked with implementing an emergency room patient management system where patients are treated based on their condition's severity. Each patient has a priority level, where a higher value represents a more critical condition. In case of equal priority, the patient who arrived earlier should be treated first.
You need to implement an emergency room system that supports the following operations:
Admit a patient: Admit a patient to the emergency room with their name and priority (severity). Treat highest priority patient: Treat (remove) the patient with the highest priority. If multiple patients have the same priority, treat the one who arrived first. Get highest priority patient: Return the patient with the highest priority without removing them. If multiple patients have the same priority, return the one who arrived first. Check if the emergency room is empty: Return true if no patients are in the emergency room; otherwise, return false.
Class Definition:
You will need to implement a class EmergencyRoom with the following methods:
class EmergencyRoom {
// Admit a new patient to the ER
public void admitPatient(String name, int priority);
// Treat (remove) the highest priority patient
public String treatPatient();
// Get the highest priority patient without treating them
public String getHighestPriorityPatient();
// Check if the ER is empty
public boolean isEmpty();
Constraints: You can assume that no two patients will have the same name. Priority levels range from 1 to 10, where 1 is the least critical and 10 is the most critical. Implement the system efficiently using a priority queue backed by a heap.