ESP32 Internet Radio with Display
Existing radios or loudspeakers will be used in order to get decent sound quality. The display should show relevant information and the font size should not be too small.
Most of the time you just want to switch the device on and listen to the music. There are only two things you want to change: volume and radio station. Nevertheless there is only one dial to cover both functions.
In addition there is a webserver including song covers as well as mqtt to allow integration into home automation.
Selecting a new radio station is done async. I.e. you can scroll up and down in the list without delay but tuning to the new station will happen after 3 seconds.
When you turn the rotary encoder, the display is showing the volume. After 3 secinds the display will revert back to the default screen.
Upon first boot, the wifi manager will start and ask for wifi credentials as well as mqtt setting.
10 stations can be configured using the four parameters below. PlatformIO: data/setup.ini
- RadioName = 1Live
- RadioURL =
- RadioTitleSeperator = -
- RadioTitleFirst = Artist
Token | Comment |
RadioName | A short name to be shown on the display |
RadioURL | url of the mp3 stream |
RadioTitleSeperator | Some stations are using '/' or '-' to split artist and title |
RadioTitleFirst | Indicate if order is Title/Artist or Artist/Title |
Despite of the TTGO you need the audio decoder and a rotary encoder.
The PCM5102 is using the I2S interface.
PCM5102 | ESP |
P_I2S_LRCK | Pin 25 |
P_I2S_BCLK | Pin 26 |
P_I2S_DATA | Pin 22 |
In addition you need to connect the following pins:
PCM5102 | Wiring | Comment |
FLT | GND | Filter Select. GND for normal latency |
DEMP | GND | De-Emphasis control. Low = off |
SMT | GND | Audio format. Low = I2S |
XMT | 10K -> 3V3 | Mute: pulled via 10k Resistor to 3,3V to un-mute |
The direction can be changed by swapping A + B.
Encoder | ESP |
P_ENC0_A | Pin 12 |
P_ENC0_B | Pin 13 |
P_ENC0_BTN | Pin 15 |
P_ENC0_PWR | Pin 2 |
To install the software you need to create the binary and uplad the content of the data folder.
MQTT is optional. If you do not have an MQTT broker installed you can ignore all settings. The radio will still work if the MQTT broker cannot be reached. MQTT is used to provide a generic interface for e.g. home automation. In addition NodeRED can be used to generate a simple user interface.
Create the binary from program code and upload
- Build
- Upload
The build in upload tool for ESP32 does not work for littleFS. Two files are used to overcome this:
- mklittlefs.exe (Windows) re mklittlefs (MacOS)
- board_build.filesystem = littlefs
- extra_scripts = ./
Either copy the user files "User_Setup*" files or manual adjust as shown below.
- source: README\TFT_eSPI
- target: PlatformIO\Projects\TTGO-Radio.pio\libdeps\esp32doit-devkit-v1\TFT_eSPI
File: PlatformIO\Projects\TTGO-Radio.pio\libdeps\esp32doit-devkit-v1\TFT_eSPI\User_Setup.h
Comment the default with “//” and use ST7789 ,i.e. remove the comment signs “//”
- // #define ILI9341_DRIVER
- #define ST7789_DRIVER // Full configuration option, define additional parameters below for this display
File: PlatformIO\Projects\TTGO-Radio.pio\libdeps\esp32doit-devkit-v1\TFT_eSPI\User_Setup_Select.h
- // #include <User_Setup.h>
- #include <User_Setups/Setup25_TTGO_T_Display.h> // Setup file for ESP32 and TTGO T-Display ST7789V SPI bus TFT
Maintain your favorite radio stations (see above) in data/setup.ini
Open the PlatformIO Menu on the top left and perform both steps:
- Build Filesystem Image
- Upload Filesystem Image Note: you may need to unplug/plugin your ESP to upload the image
Once binary is uploaded to the ESP32 you need to power off/on. After power on, device will create an access point. Connect with your smartphone and select your WiFi network as well as settgin a device name. Device will reboot and immediately connect to the first radio station.