- Data cleaning, wrangling and manipulation
- Data visualisation
- Dashboard design
- R Shiny
- APIs/Keys
- Synthetic data
- Experience working in a data team
- Understanding some of the challenges this creates and finding ways to overcome them
- GitHub for a multi-person project with branches and merging
- Capturing business requirements and translating them into a plan with deliverable goals
- Best practice data security
- Confirming MVP, extension tasks and deliverables
- Sharing the workload and effective decision making
- Supporting each other to make sure everyone gets the most out of the experience e.g. meeting learning goals
- Morning stand ups to update on progress/blockers
- Regular Git commits and use of branches with merging
- API data needs to be synthesised for confidentiality for integration into personal Github
- Checking against Google Analytics figures and for reasonableness of results.
- Meets business requirements and answers the business question
- Built in R Shiny
- Best practice design
15 minute group presentation with time for questions and dashboard unveiling:
- Functionality and components
- Approach taken and how it was planned within the group
- Design challenges and justification of final design decisions
- Insights captured from the data in the process of preparing the dashboard and any recommended actions
- Enhancements for follow on work
- Lessons for the future
Date | Activity |
Thursday | Emails added to CodeClan Google Analytics |
Friday | Project briefs delivered and groups assigned |
Weekend | GoogleAnalytics lesson review and begin planning |
Monday/Tuesday | Instructors - present plan & reasonings |
Tuesday | Killian - 30 minute business requirement surgery |
Friday | Project presentations |