-To run this code, you should install librarys:
- pip install open3d-python (version --0.7.00)
- pip install plyfile
- (1) You should fix something about input and output folder direction to match your folder
- (2) Eg: run code "python B1.py -i /home/airlab/Desktop/Annotation3D/DATACUTTING/ -o /home/airlab/Desktop/Annotation3D/DATA/"
- After you select object for train and test. And save it into two folder named: "DATATRAIN and DATATEST".
-Intruction: create new enviroment
- (1) Install:
- pip install open3d=
- pip install plyfile
- add d3 folder
- (2) you should fix something about direction
- Eg: run code: "python B2.py -i /home/airlab/Desktop/Annotation3D/DATATRAIN" and "python B2.py -i /home/airlab/Desktop/Annotation3D/DATATEST".
- open3d
- plyfile
- trimesh
- pyVista
- openGL
- PCL with C++ This project is a work in progress.