A list of useful links and resources I gathered during the Neue Fische Bootcamp.
- First day on GitHub (Basic tutorial)
- Git for ages 4 and up (Explanation of Git's basics)
- Oh shit, Git!?! (Screwed up in Git? This will fix it)
- Git Documentation
- Conventional Commits (Specification for descriptive commit naming)
- Merge Conflicts (How to solve merge conflicts)
- Learn Git Branching (Playful tutorial for learning Git)
- Gitmoji (An emoji guide for your commit messages)
- GitHub Pull Request Extension for VSCode
- Git stash (Overview of stash commands) -GitHub Student Developer Pack (Lots of freebies by GitHub Pro)
- Git Ignore Patterns (Documentation for the .gitignore file)
- How to create an issue template
- Link a PR to an issue
- MDN CSS (Resource for CSS)
- CSS Tricks (Resource for CSS)
- A Complete Guide to Grid (Resource for CSS Grid)
- Grid Visual Cheatsheet
- Grid Garden (Playful Grid tutorial)
- A Complete Guide to Flexbox (Resource for Flexbox)
- Flexbox Froggy (Playful Flexbox tutorial)
- Flukeout (Playufl selectors tutorial)
- CSSBattle (Playful CSS quiz)
- Styled Components (Alternative to CSS modules, mixing ES and CSS)
- 100 hover animations (Source for hover animation templates)
- Javascript.info (Up-to-date resource for JS)
- Dev Ed (Video tutorials with JS focus)
- Understanding Immutability in JavaScript
- Codewars (Coding challenges (JS, TS,...))
- JS Style Guide by AirBnB
- 242 JS single line of codes (useful for certain functions)
- Clean code concepts adapted for JS
- Set of best practices for JS projects
- React (A JavaScript library for building UI)
- React with Hooks (Unofficial updated documentation with hooks)
- React Crash Course 2021 (YouTube video tutorial)
- React Blog (By Robin Wieruch, lots of tutorials and articles concerning React)
- classnames (Utility for easily conditionally joining classNames together)
- React file structure (Guide for structuring React projects)
- HTTPCat (HTTP Status codes, explained with cats)
- REST Resource Naming Guide
- Node.js Learning/Documentation
- Crypto-JS for npm (encrypt passwords with master key)
- .env for npm (safe secure data in variables)
- List of predefined ports
- Nodemon for npm (useful dev dependency, automatically restarting node application)
- Git Cheat Sheet
- Markdown Cheat Sheet
- Emmet (Code faster using shorter commands)
- OhMyZsh Cheat Sheet
- Typescript with React Cheat Sheet
- JavaScript Cheat Sheet
- Naming CheatSheet
- Unsplash (Free photos)
- Font Awesome (Icon library)
- Flaticon (Icon library)
- Heroicon (MIT licensed icon library)
- Iconscout (Icon library, free with GitHub student pack)
- Material.io (Icon library by Google)
- CSS.gg (Open source Icon library)
- Google Fonts (Font library, easy to implement)
- Vercel (Easy deployment for GitHub)
- Storybook.js (Tool for developing UI components in isolation)
- Bootstrap (Toolkit/Framework for building websites fast)
- Can I Use? (Check which technologies are useable/best practice)
- Google Page Insights (Analyzes websites and gives hints for optimizing)
- RegExr (learn, build & test regular expressions)
- Cubic Bezier (Preview bezier curves for css transformations)
- CSS: PX to EM converter
- JSONLint (JSON Validator - check if JSON is typed correctly)
- SVG Minifier (Clean up SVG files, reducing file size)
- Dribble (Design inspiration resource, also useable for elements/components)
- Behance (Design inspiration resource)
- Awwwards (Design inspiration resource)
- Adobe Color (Color theme inspiration)
- Webgradients (Collection of easy-to-copy CSS gradients)
- Kontrastrechner (Checks contrast for accessibility)
- App-Ideas (App ideas for practicing, categorized in 3 difficulties)
- Codewars (Coding challenges)
- Entwicklerheld (Coding challenges - german platform)
- 10 Minute Mail (Temporary mail adress)
- Public APIs (Collection of free to use APIs)
- Dev.to (Dev community with lots of information and events/hackathons)
- OverTheWire (Shell learning game)
- Guide for Frontend Job Interviews