Story-Board for the senseBox. Developed with for my bachelor thesis Repository has 2 different sections : front-end and back-end The application is hosted online can be accessed over : senseBoard The research conducted alongside the development of this application can be found here
Please keep in mind to download both branches for front-end and back-end.
Built with React to display everything, makes calls through a proxy to a node.js server. To run the development server for React run the following commands from the senseBoard_frontend folder :
npm install
afterwards run :
yarn start
Built with NodeJS to act as an API whcih the front-end can call. Scripts for statistics rendering are in python
To start the Back-End Server make sure you have python3 and NodeJS installed. If so run the following commands from the senseBoard_backend folder:
npm install
Afterwards run :
PORT=3001 node bin/www