Graphqler is a tool for inspecting GraphQL schemas and executing queries or mutations. It can load a schema from a file or fetch it live from a GraphQL endpoint.
- Load schema from file or fetch from endpoint
- Auto-completion for query and mutation names
- Construct and execute GraphQL queries and mutations
- Save requests and responses to logs
python -u
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[~] Fetched schema from live endpoint.
[+] Queries: ['admins', 'products', 'product']
[+] Mutations: ['addAdmin', 'addProduct', 'addComment']
[?] Select a query/mutation (or type "exit" to quit): products
QUERY: products
Arg: limit, Type: Int
Arg: offset, Type: Int
Return Type: Product
Field: id, Type: ID
Field: name, Type: String
Field: price, Type: Float
Field: image, Type: String
Field: comments, Type: Comment
[?] Do you want to create a query for this? (Y/n, default is no): y
[?] Enter value for limit (Int): 100
[?] Enter value for offset (Int): 0
Available fields for Product: id, name, price, image, comments
Enter fields to include (comma-separated): id,price,image
[?] Do you want to send this request? (y/N, default is no): y
Constructed GraphQL Query:
query {
products(limit: 100, offset: 0) {
id price image
[+] Response from server:
{'data': {'products': [{'id': '1', 'price': 5990000, 'image': '6847927.jpg'}, {'id': '2', 'price': 4999000, 'image': '10578885.jpg'}, {'id': '3', 'price': 5590000, 'image': '3483290.jpg'}]}}
[?] Do you want to save this request and response? (y/N, default is no): y
To install the required dependencies, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can run Graphqler with either an introspection file or a live GraphQL endpoint.
To load a schema from a file and inspect it:
python -f <path_to_introspection_file.json>
python -f schema.json
To fetch a schema from a live endpoint and inspect it:
python -u <graphql_endpoint_url>
python -u
Follow the prompts to select queries or mutations, provide arguments if necessary, and execute them.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.