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Deleting archived groups

Neil M edited this page Feb 24, 2021 · 10 revisions


Occasionally we need to delete groups which have been created in error. This is the process.

It requires access to the database.

Pre-flight checks

The request usually comes to the community coordinator. The community coordinator should check with whoever made the request:

  • What is the reason for deleting the group? (e.g. if it is simply dormant, we may want to keep it as a 'placeholder' for someone else to take over.)
  • If the group has any past events associated with it, we are very unlikely to delete it, especially if those events have volunteers and repair data associated to them. There would need to be strong mitigating circumstances for this to happen.
  • Does the group have any any upcoming events associated with it? If so, it would be a good courtesy of the group host to contact anyone who has RSVPed to let them know they are being removed. The events should then be removed by the group host.
  • Are there any volunteers attached to the group? If so, they should be notified that the group is being removed, and the person who requested the group to be removed, should remove them from the group via the Restarters interface.

If following all of the above, we are still sure the group should be deleted, then someone with access to the database can follow the next steps.


  • Check for users: SELECT email FROM users INNER JOIN users_groups ON = users_groups.user WHERE `group` = X;

  • If there are any users shown, something has gone wrong, and we should check with the group host again.

  • Check for events: SELECT * FROM events WHERE `group` = X;. As per above, we will fail the deletion if this returns events. If it does, something has gone wrong, and we should check with the group host again.

  • DELETE FROM users_groups WHERE `group` = X; (should be a no-op given above).

  • DELETE FROM group_network WHERE group_id = X;

  • DELETE FROM grouptags_groups WHERE `group` = X;

  • DELETE FROM groups WHERE idgroups = X;

If the group is also part of one of the networks that pushes to our WordPress site at, then a WordPress admin will also need to delete the group from there.

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